Although I am very sympathetic to those individuals who are being adversely affected by the collapse of the financial markets (corrupt executives excluded) I see a silver lining to the mounting crisis which is staring at us. It is the fact that the McCain campaign has been forced to forego its scorched-earth, truth-be-damned, win-at-all-costs tact at winning the presidency.
Sarah Palin was brought on to the ticket to act as an attack dog against the Democrats in order to cover McCain’s intellectual and temperamental inadequacies. “Country First” is just a jingoistic phrase for the Republic party to fool voters into thinking that they actually give a damn about them. They don’t.
With the economic collapse which the country is facing, the McCain campaign is being asked hard questions about just what a McCain presidency would do. As expected, McCain withdraws into a senseless bromide that “Fundamentals of the economy are Strong”. When pressed he talked about creating a commission. This is Republic double-speak in which he is saying that he wants to dump the problem into a black hole. Is this the type of decisive leadership which we need in a time of crisis? What would we have thought if FDR had said that he would form a commission to review the depression following the crash of 1929? What if FDR’s economic advisor had said that we were a bunch of “whiners”?
Don’t be fooled, America. This country is facing the most difficult election of the last one hundred years, possibly in its entire existence. The person who we elect President needs to be forthright with the public about the issues we face and offer credible solutions to these issues. This is the true test of “Putting Country First”.