Standard and Poor's downgraded the US to AA+ for the first time in history. These are brazen criminals guilty of the most massive securities fraud in history who are once again shaking down the US, this time with the great credit downgrade swindle, generating huge illegal profits.
During the housing collapse, laws were changed to stop appraisers from colluding with brokers to falsely inflate property values. What the rating agencies did was no different. As the accomplices and co-conspirators of the banksters, Standard and Poor's gave AAA ratings to C paper and conned the whole world into near bankruptcy. These are the crooks who crashed real estate. These are the frauds who directly caused the global financial collapse. These are the thieves who cost you your job. These are the suits that took the TARP money and threw you out of your house anyway. Are we just going to stand by while they extort the whole country?
During the Debt Ceiling debacle last week a source at Goldman Sachs warned that the slightest downtick in the US rating would generate an instant $100 billion in profits orchestrated by Morgan Stanley, primarily for Chinese investors. And that's just the beginning.
I sounded an alarm with Credit Hooligans Hold US Hostage, but failed to go far enough and announce the strong suspicion that the whole debate was a ruse intended to downgrade the US credit rating all along, squeezing the middle class lemon one more time, while setting the stage for the open dictation of policy to congress.
If not stopped, this outrageous scheme will automatically and unilaterally commandeer a bigger chunk of future budgets to go directly to the banksters and China as higher interest, once again on the backs of the ever dwindling taxpayers, already staggering under a crushing load of losses in home equity, retirement and vital services.
Investigators and prosecutors have ten times the necessary evidence to immediately bring charges and commence arrests of hundreds of key criminal banksters and their very witting accomplices, the utterly corrupt rating agencies, Standard and Poor's, Moody's and Fitch, painted whores who still cling to their veils of honor and unimpeachable respectability because their bosses own all the broadcast media. The mega theives are so brazen that when the debt deal was done well enough to invalidate the pretext, they downgraded anyway!
Why are we even allowing these treasonous frauds to speak? They have lost their first amendment rights except to defend themselves in court. President Obama, order Mr. Holder to convene grand juries, file charges and prosecute NOW. The American people demand it.
Call the White House. Demand prosecution of S&P and bank frauds now.
Quick while there's still time.