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Donald Trump is moving full speed ahead with a clearly fascist agenda. Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer. That is, one People, one Nation, one Leader.
One People means America is WHITE. All others are subordinate, and can never be fully, "American." Some require deportation, internment etc. Latinos, Moslems, dark skinned people in general. Trump's domestic policies regarding DACA, the Moslem ban, and most prominently his "zero tolerance" policy, with its image of frightened, crying children. These images, while horrifying to most, are RED MEAT to Trump's rabid base. Suffering children ENERGIZES these creatures! Someday soon, if Trump is unchecked, they will be his regime's gas chamber attendants.
One Nation means that everything the US does internationally is intended to benefit the US. All others have wealth extracted from them; or are otherwise to be exploited for the benefit of US elite interests. Domestically, it requires a UNIFYING Principle. Fringe, fundamentalist, primitive "Christianity" conjoined in unholy alliance with fundamentalist Ayn Randian Social Darwinistic capitalism, provides this unity. Mike Pence is VP specifically to appease this essential base for Trump fascism.
One Leader means that the President becomes the Fuhrer. Power is concentrated into the hands of the LEADER. Bret Cavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court is in furtherance of this agenda. He is a confirmed believer in the theory of the "Unitary Executive." He is also on record, in a Law Review article, as asserting that Presidents are immune from lawsuits, Special Counsel investigations, etc. while serving as President, because the demands of the office are so great, that dealing with such matters would, on balance, not be in the NATION'S best interest. Instead, Presidents should be held accountable, if appropriate, by means of impeachment.
Look at what Trump stated in the UK yesterday. In an interview with the Sun newspaper (tabloid actually) he stated that:
1) Prime Minister May's Brexit plan would make a bilateral US-UK trade agreement unlikely. This because it would not be bilateral, but between the US, the UK, and the EU. May is seeking a "soft" Brexit, which would allow it market access on preferential terms with the EU. However, this would require the UK to continue to be bound by some, EU laws, and regulations. Trump is demanding a complete severance of all relations between the UK and the EU, a "hard" Brexit, as his price for a trade agreement. This severely undercuts May's government.
2) Trump in the same interview, stated that Boris Johnson would make a good (replacement) Prime Minister. Johnson resigned recently as UK Foreign Minister because he advocated a "hard" Brexit, while May decided to move forward with a "soft Brexit." Here, Trump is directly anointing his preferred successor to May, who he is trying to remove from office, as discussed just above.
3) Trump blasted European nations for allowing non-white immigration. He stated that the essential national character of Europe's nations was being destroyed by non-white immigration. Here, Trump is intervening forcefully to undercut all established political parties, in favor of upstart far right, fascist, or proto-fascist, anti-immigrant parties, who define nationality by race and ethnicity, as well as religion--Christian only. Here Trump is actively working to advance the rise to power of fascism across Europe.
Having definitively said all of this, he next denied everything calling it "fake news." Here, having obtained 100% of the benefits, he sought to minimize liabilities by simply lying. Gaslighting in plainer words. Adolf Hitler would be proud of Trump here!
The day before his interview, he recast NATO as an American protection racket. Pay up--our price is non-negotiable, or no protection. Common defense is out. Each nation must pay Trump for his protection. Implicit in this is a threat of punishment for nations which do not comply. Think Mafia bill collector.
Bottom line is Trump is moving methodically to impose a totalitarian, fascist regime not only on America, but upon European nations as well. Next, there will be a national emergency. This will either be a war, probably with Iran, and/or a major terrorist attack within the US. Then Trump will assume emergency powers, all investigations into his government will be shut down. The Supreme Court will use its power of Original Jurisdiction to rule in Trump's favor here. Kavanagh will cast the deciding vote, and likely write the Majority Opinion, in the partisan, 5-4 decision. At that point, American democracy will be dead, barring a popular uprising.
(Article changed on July 14, 2018 at 13:28)
(Article changed on July 15, 2018 at 14:34)