As a Constitutional Scholar, you will probably not need this reminder, but I pass it on none-the-less. Remember the oath that you take, to "Protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."- To your predecessor, that meant no more than shred and flush a "goddamned piece of paper,"- which should have brought on an impeachment in istelf.
All We the People asked, when we elected a Democratic majority in 2006 was to have the Constitution replaced, intact and functioning, in the Halls of Government, to end the illegal wars and impeach the war criminals that prosecuted them, to bring the war profiteers to heel and curb the runaway Pentagon.
None of that happened. The war criminals are still in power, the military, the wars, and the war profiteers are still raping the nation. Hundreds of Billions of more dollars have been spent Thousands are still dying or being forced from their homes in Iraq and Afghanistan.
With our Constitution and Bill of Rights back in the Halls of Government, there is nothing we, as a nation, cannot handle and survive.
With the Constitution and Bill of Rights supplanted by the various enabling acts of the Cheney/Bush government, the mis-named Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, and the various other domestic spying and surveillance acts that have proliferated in the last eight years, the numerous treaties (Constitutionally the "Law of the Land") that we have abrogated, we have been reduced to the status of a rogue, third-world dictatorship. We use the bayonet instead of diplomacy. We starve those who do not submit to us, we kill them, we subvert them.
Our police routinely beat and jail those who protest these policies. Posse Comitatus has been eliminated and NorthCom is poised to launch seasoned combat brigades against We the People who may protest this disintegration.
I just want to remind you, as an individual of We the People, to remember the Constitution you vow to protect and defend and make sure it is the rule and guide of our conduct as a nation instead of a quaint piece of history locked away in a restroom somewhere next to the shredder.
We wish you the best of luck in restoring our nation, but We the People will be watching all of you very closely to see that Government does not revert to "business as usual,"- with the lobbyists and special interests calling in their markers to keep the wars and the chaos going and the pork and money trough full.
Steve and Adrienne Osborn