It's not only politicians that put their foot in their mouth, or let slip their true thoughts. The Romney campaign is feverishly trying to remove Ann Romney's own foot from her mouth while attempting to put out the resultant wildfire on twitter.
Ann Romney in defending Mitt's refusal to release any additional tax records other than one year's worth vs. the eleven years of returns Obama has released, stated during a televised interview "we've given all you people need to know". In other words, the American people, we the people, are not entitled to even the smallest financial disclosure on the richest and most secretative candidate running for president in our history. Does she not understand that 'you people' are voters who expect at least a modicum of disclosure? Are 'you people' the ones trying to "kill my husband" as stated by Ann?
Mitt Romney, bless his heart, apparently is suffering from early onset dementia. He cannot remember taking a pair of scissors to classmate, even though the rest of the now grown students involved do remember this event in great detail and as some said, with much shame. To his credit, while not remembering the actual event, he does remember the student he attacked was not gay. Mitt cannot remember running a blind teacher into a door as a joke. He apparently forgot about lying to the SEC as well. He has certainly forgotten to talk to the open press for the last two months. In another week or so, I am sure he will forget he called the President of the United States a liar.
To trust a man with this level of impaired data retention, it would be foolish to trust his own words with regards to his taxes.
Mitt and Ann Romney will attend the Olympics the same time as our First Lady, Michelle Obama, gives a speech during opening ceremonies. We can only hope that he will not forget his manners as well and call her husband a liar to her face, but I seriously doubt he has the balls to do so.