I first became aware of ivermectin's involvement in the ongoing saga of CoVid-19 when a fellow member (of ninety years of age or so) of www.opednews.com who is an antivaxxer mentioned it as an alternative to vaccines. That person did not know whether ivermectin was to be used as a prophylactic-- something to prevent you from catching the disease-- or a therapeutic-- something to make you feel better once you had caught it. Nonetheless he stood foursquare behind it.
I did some reading that my fellow member had prescribed for me about the drug, and though it was clear that ivermectin has been highly effective in fighting bacterial infections and deworming both animals and humans-- at least one codesigner of the drug was awarded a Nobel Prize-- there was no reliable research that concluded that the drug was in any way effective against a virus or its consequences.
A few days later, one of my onetime investigative colleagues, and longtime friends, answered a post I had written about my first encounter with the idea that ivermectin was effective against CoVid-19, and about the increasing presence in Mississippi and Alabama emergency rooms of patients who had taken random doses of ivermectin they had bought-- quite legally-- in agricultural stores that sold veterinary products. He presented me with the news that his family had all caught CoVid, and he had bought and administered ivermectin from the feed store, claimed they had all improved, and in so many words, didn't give a (expletive deleted) whether people believed him or not.
The conversation deteriorated from there. It stopped entirely when I asked him how he determined what the proper dosage for the drug was to administer to adults and/or to children. I have never heard from him again.
Fast-forward: in the beginning of August, my business partners and their daughter (none of whom could take the vaccine because of other medications they were taking) contracted the virus. I happened to be out of town, in Missouri, a heavily CoVid-slammed state, playing shows. Me and my band were vaccinated, and when we returned to Mississippi we all got tested, and were found to be negative, regardless of our trip into risky territory.
They are all recovered now, but during the latter part of the recovery process, the husband went to one of his usual doctors in Memphis for an issue unrelated to CoVid, and while there asked the doctor to get him a therapeutic. This doctor referred him to another doctor who prescribed (in one brief visit) ivermectin. When Joe (not his real name) found out independently what the doctor had prescribed, he discarded it immediately.
From this first-hand account from trusted friends, to the story I am providing the link for here, it is clear that DOCTORS THEMSELVES are spreading, widening, and prolonging the misinformation about ivermectin, and even using the drug as a talking (and acting!) point against the taking of CoVid-19 vaccines.
Not all doctors (or Physician Assistants or Nurse Practitioners, who also can prescribe medications), or even a majority.
But some of them. I wish Joe had held onto the medication, and the doctor's prescription, so I could have begun investigating the incident.
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