Are You Better Off Than You Were Four Years Ago?
This is the question republicans say voters must ask themselves and the answer will insure a victory for Romney. I say, republicans have a short and selective memory. Where were we 4 years ago? The financial markets were falling and in danger of total collapse. The housing market was in free-fall.
The auto industry was headed for bankruptcy. We lost the trust of the other nations in the world and were deeply involved in 2 wars. The monthly job numbers were NEGATIVE by more than 5, 6, 7, or sometimes almost 800,000 and unemployment was rising rapidly. The value of the dollar was falling on world markets and virtually every other measure of our economy, individual opportunity, technological advancement, infrastructure and more were on a sharp decline. Now, things are not all rosy and wonderful, but the bleeding has stopped and we are no longer headed to the next great depression.
The collapse has been halted despite the negative effects of the European markets, the refusal by republicans to do anything that might help (in an effort to make Obama look bad), and the extension of the Bush tax cuts which was made possible by republicans holding the nation hostage and risking default for the first time in history. So what's wrong with Obama?
It seems that after allowing Bush 8 years to create the biggest mess we have seen in generations, many are upset that Obama hasn't fixed it all in 4 years. It doesn't take long to mow your lawn if you do it every week, but if you neglect it for a very long period, the work is much harder and takes much longer. Obama is trying to clean up a mess that was created over years and now he is challenged by Romney who is proposing the same policies that got us into that mess in the first place.
Wouldn't we want to continue down the path that stopped the economic free-fall and is now positioned for long term growth instead of one designed for short term profits followed by complete collapse? Markets are up, companies are starting to hire again, foreclosures are down, housing values are up, the auto makers are back, unemployment is falling, the