"but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."
AS WELL AS: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"
The opening line to the first Amendment.
These two passages from our Constitution are not mere moments of dowdy reflections, or casual cause for consideration, but critical dictates required for the sustainable continuation of this nation. History is replete with the descending of people of one religious belief upon another, present world events most dramatically in point with terrible conflicts and acts of atrocity being fomented by most major religious followers, individually and through their governments. I am lost and destitute to comprehend the utter wanton and mindless acts perpetrated upon millions of human beings and their lands because of a religious self righteousness that permeates the heart, mind and soul of "We the People".
Daniel C. Dennett suggests to us that rather than fear each others faith, we embrace it through an organized study by our children of all religions as a core curriculum program in our schools.
Perhaps through knowledge of each others beliefs we can be released from our prejudices bound to us by ignorance.
My own personal journey from growing up Catholic, caring and sharing through the Unitarian church community , praying, studying and singing in synagogue, Native American sweat lodge, Australian Aboriginal and New Zealand Maori community experiences has built a great strength and commitment to a hopeful future for humanity. In each of these experiences I have found a common thread of humanity's desire to be in community all the while exhibiting a diversity in songs, prayers, languages and dance that if respected lead us to a more loving and caring future.
I therefore submit for your consideration: Daniel C. Dennett, Co-Director Center for Cognitive Studies@ Tufts University: http://ase.tufts.edu/cogstud/incbios/dennettd/dennettd.htm
"Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon By Daniel C. Dennett
Philosophy,Atheism, Religion Daniel Dennett from TEDTALKS