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As our democracy is dismantled right before their eyes Americans remain silent

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Michael Payne
Message Michael Payne

It's a national tragedy that this country's democracy is being dismantled and a large portion of the American people either doesn't comprehend what is happening, or they do, but they choose to remain silent, not putting forth any resistance whatsoever.

Of course there are also other Americans who understand what's happening, recognize the danger this poses to our rights and freedoms, and are doing everything in their power to try to stop this march toward an authoritarian government. The problem is that there are just too few of them to combat the massive power of the destructionists.

One thing for sure; it's high time that the vast majority of Americans wakes up and wakes up fast or they will soon find themselves living in an American nightmare. This country and its Constitution were based on rights and freedoms that are swiftly being torn down as we speak.

Think not; think that this is some form of personal paranoia or a conspiracy to strike unnecessary fear into the hearts of the people of this country? Well just look around you, listen closely to the many inflammatory and reckless things being said and done by those in control. That our democracy is bleeding profusely from constant attacks could not be more evident.

But let's talk specifics, not generalities. Where is the proof to back up this contention, where is the concrete evidence that our democracy is being dismantled? That will be shown in the following examples.

Of greatest importance and concern is that, to a large extent, the US Constitution is being rendered meaningless, irrelevant, at a time when adherence to it should be paramount. It is the foundation of America and it should be considered sacred, not ignored and dismissed.

The Constitution created three separate branches of government, the legislative, the presidency, and the judicial. This president, Trump, doesn't see it that way, he believes that as the president, he, should have the power to do what he, himself, believes is right. So with that in mind let's discuss some of the ways by which he and Republicans, who go along with everything he says and does, are subverting our Constitution and tearing down our democracy.

Human rights, women's rights: Trump has taken standard Republicans' human rights violations and shifted them into high gear. Muslims in America have become an endangered species, he has placed a ban on their immigration from specific countries; he has suggested the closing of Mosques across America.

He has shown little to no regard for women's rights; he has insulted and disparaged women in general, is regularly accused of being involved in sexual assaults, wants to restrict women's reproductive rights, and even their access to contraceptives.

He signed an executive order that rolls back hard-fought victories for women in the workplace such as equal pay for equal responsibilities. He suggested that the budget for the National Domestic Violence Hotline be slashed, as well as that of violence against women programs.

And the Republicans second every motion he makes.

He withdrew U.S. participation in the UN's Human Rights Council, a totally incomprehensible action.

Immigration: immigrants fleeing from extreme violence in Central American countries, trying to enter the US by asking for asylum, have been called criminals, been arrested, been separated from their children, with parents and children sent to separate detention centers and internment camps.

Trump has threatened to deport millions of undocumented immigrant workers who currently work in the farming, meat packing and other low pay industries in California, Florida and across this country. He has made it clear that he wants to end the DACA program that includes millions of immigrants who were brought to America as little children.

He has no use for these largely Hispanic immigrants and neither do Republicans. The way that this brutal, barbaric Trump-dominated government is dealing with this very complex immigration problem has now become an international disgrace.

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