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BEWARE! There's WAY too much misdirection and defocussing on The Panama Papers

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Virginia Simson
Message Virginia Simson

PLUTOCRACY SUCKS. The appartchiks/mandarins who support the plutocrats also suck. Money and wealth are shifting more to oligarchs/ plutocrats around the globe. Financialization plays a big part, but finding ways to keep the money made both legally and illegally while avoiding the taxman and civic duty is now thoroughly industrialized, thanx to the bent lawyers who write the laws and then use them to enrich themselves. Tax havens are a symptom, not a cause, of endstage capitalism.

The MFs in Panama (as I like to call them) were very good at what they did except for a few things - like protecting their database! They left their data wide open. Several articles have exposed just how the breech happened (Forbes, Wired, Unicorn Riot, and something called drop-guard.net).

Once the WHISTLEBLOWER started handing over a huge trove of documents, it became clear that someone needed to do a very deep investigation on a scale not previously imaginable. The one thing about ICIJ was that had already done the work on HSBC and its dirty dealings, which was not a small undertaking.

SO - who was supposed to pay to do the investigation??

Yes, Soros and USAID's dirty mitts prevailed as the money source to do the technical details AND the journalistic endeavors. But among the sour lemons crying FALSE FLAG! COUNTER REVOLUTIONARY! DEMONISATION! I don't find one single other suggestion as to who was "supposed" to fund the project.


It is futile to imagine what might happen to the dirty players who get exposed, but think of how much effort is going to go into finding out who the whistleblower is! The ICIJ could have easily have made the person's life unbearable, but they didn't - at least as far as we know.

Wikileaks has done some great work, but you wouldn't want to be one of their whistleblowers, would you? It's surely not a good and healthy lifestyle choice.


The media in general is owned by the State Department, CIA et al., so if it had been some other media group we could have traced just the same kind of crap.

They're busy trying to take control of the narrative.

And as long we let them and don't actually read the dispatches they are controlling our ability to gain from these disclosures.

Look at the evidence that no "agency" or political butthead like Soros is able to get their agenda accomplished:

Cameron is now close to being turfed out. Yes, he really is. If he gets destabilized he could potentially get replaced by Jeremy Corbyn, who is not only anti-bankster but an unapologetic peacenik. Nobody in charge wants that.

And why would anyone with an evil agenda care if the Iceland PM takes a nosedive? Surely, they don't want the Pirate Party running the Icelandic Parliament!

Even the demonisation of Putin is laughable. We already heard endlessly how corrupt he "is" and we just shrug our shoulders when we see those pics of him in golden splendor! HAHAHA we already know and we don't care!

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BEWARE! There's WAY too much misdirection and defocussing on The Panama Papers

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