I think we all suffer reverses at one time or another. Aside from those which are personal, many of us are saddened by man's cruelty to not only his fellow man -but to the animals at large. In this case, this morning I sadly read about the cruel exploitation of horses and mules rounded up on BLM (Bureau of Land Management) lands to be sold and butchered for their meat. This is in violation of the 1971 Wild Horse and Burro Act which Wild Horse Annie worked so hard to achieve. But what do cattle barons care about violating this Act? And even worse -neither does our government BLM (Bureau of Land Management).
For years now I have been receiving material re this from Diana Chontos, founder of the Wild Burro Rescue and Preservation Project. God bless her indefatigable work for these hunted horses and burros. She saves as many as she can.
I always marvel of what can only be described as a meat lust by so many people. Many of us growing up eating meat- abandoned this custom once we found out about the cruelty involved. I guess I will always wonder and be saddened that there are so many people yet who just don't seem to care- even when finding out about this cruelty.
Everyone has gifts, and for me, one of the most important ones I possess is compassion. Every day I thank God for this gift to me. I have not eaten meat since 1976, and gave up all dairy products as well since 1983. Some people may thank God for giving them intelligence. Some people may thank Him for giving them good looks. Some people may give thank for all the wealth He has helped them procure. And then there are people like me who thank God every day for giving them a compassionate heart.