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Suzana Megles

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I have been concerned about animal suffering ever since
I received my first puppy Peaches in 1975. She made me take a good look at the animal kingdom and I was shocked to see how badly we treat so many animals. At 77, I've been a vegan for the past 30 years and I thank God every day that I am. I am most disturbed at how little the Catholic Church and Christian churches generally give to concern re animal suffering in their ministry. I wrote to 350 bishops in 2001 and only 10-13 responded. I feel that the very least they can do is to instruct that the priests give one sermon a year on compassion to animals. I am still waiting for that sermon. I also belong to Catholic Concern for Animals - founded in England in 1929. (They are on the internet) I recently sent a sample copy of their bi-monthly publication called the ARK to the 8 Catholic bishops of Ohio. Only ONE kindly responded. Somehow we have to reach the Christian teaching magisterium. There is next to nothing re animal concerns and compassion for them. They basically believe that animals are the lesser of God's creation and that gives us the right to do anything we want to them. Way wrong. We need to change their mindsets. The animals are God's first and He expects us to treat them compassionately.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2018 SHARE More Sharing Justice for Justice We have all heard or read about animals and humans being cruelly treated. It never gets easy. However, knowledge is wisdom. Hopefully, we can do something about these incidences of cruelty. And don't discount the power of prayer. I always feel that a loving God is always there to not only hear our prayer requests, but to answer them as well.
Friday, June 22, 2018 SHARE More Sharing Florida's Illegal Slaughter Farms At this point in my life, I am no longer surprised at how cruelly man often treats his fellow inhabitants of this earth - the animals. If you believe in Judgment Day as I do - there will be a reckoning.
Friday, June 15, 2018 (17 comments) SHARE More Sharing Dog Hoarders -the Woodleys As long as I live, I will not be able to understand people like the Woodleys who cared not one iota about the suffering they were causing innocent dogs and puppies.
Wednesday, June 13, 2018 (7 comments) SHARE More Sharing Premarin - Still a Cruel Product I am saddened that this is still a topic. I had hoped that by now women would have stopped using this product of cruelty. Hopefully, after reading this post or any other on this topic, some may decide to say no to Premarin.
Wild Horses in Salt Wells HMA, From FlickrPhotos
Wednesday, May 30, 2018 (2 comments) SHARE More Sharing BLM Betrayal I think someone should make the BLM aware of the 1971 Wild Horse Annie Act which assured that the wild horses and burros would be allowed to roam BLM lands in freedom. And recently the SAFE Act banned the sale and transportation of equine animals to be butchered for their meat.
Sunday, May 13, 2018 SHARE More Sharing Cruel Factory-Farm Practices I will never understand how anyone could treat an animal cruelly. The turkeys on this N. Carolina farm are an example of what happens to so many farm animals because some people think they need to eat their flesh. Thank God some of us don't.
Wednesday, May 2, 2018 SHARE More Sharing A Cautionary Tale for Parents Today I sadly read about two innocent girls in the 1950's being bullied and the pain they suffered from it as a result. Is bullying still happening in our schools today? I hope not, but if you are aware of it, I hope you will do something to make it stop.
1972 Mercury Comet, From FlickrPhotos
Thursday, April 26, 2018 (34 comments) SHARE More Sharing Attached to My '72 Comet Some of you have probably gone through a few cars already, so hopefully, you haven't felt the separation anxiety I am experiencing now at this point in my life--having to say good bye to an old friend.
Saturday, April 21, 2018 (2 comments) SHARE More Sharing Hell for Piglets at Hormel I am always astounded at how cruel we can be for profit. I am also astounded that more people are not either vegetarian or vegan when they learn about animal cruelty on farms and in slaughter houses. For me it is a blessing for which I thank God.
Monday, April 16, 2018 (3 comments) SHARE More Sharing Legal Help for Animals I think we all recognize that not only humans but animals also need the help of a lawyer at times. Thank God for the lawyers at Animal Legal Defense Fund who have stepped up to the plate in this regard.
Monday, April 9, 2018 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing Two Ways Pigs are Raised If you care about animals, then I know you will want to know how pigs are raised- even if you are a vegan like myself. You may be in a position to do something for them. Sharing this post may change someone's heart and diet.
Thursday, March 29, 2018 (3 comments) SHARE More Sharing Professor McLaghlin/Meat-free Diet It is always great to find someone more talented and persuasive in their writing abilities than oneself. False humility? Hardly; I appreciate all those people who write compassionately for the animals. God bless them.
Saturday, March 24, 2018 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing Animal Action Issues Sadly, human and animal cruelty in all its forms will always be with us. In this post I am addressing some animal cruelty I found listed in the animal-action issues found In Defense of Animals.
Caged Elephant, From FlickrPhotos
Sunday, December 24, 2017 (6 comments) SHARE More Sharing Christmas Gift for Animal Lovers Christmas is not only the time to remember family and friends, but for people like me -it's also a time to remember animals because they too are God's creatures. I was happy to read today One Green Planet's 10 Wins for Animals. You might be too.
Saturday, November 18, 2017 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing Shame on VA Dog Labs For far too long, dogs and other animals have been used in oftentimes cruel medical research. Today there is no need to use animals so cruelly as there are other non-animal protocols available. Sadly the Cleveland VA and others have either not gotten the message or choose to ignore it.
Thursday, November 9, 2017 (9 comments) SHARE More Sharing Change of Heart I think every one will agree that veganism is a compassionate lifestyle. Here is an account of a conversion to veganism at a cow factory farm - a place you probably would not guess would produce such a lifestyle change but it did in this case.
calf, From FlickrPhotos
Monday, October 9, 2017 (5 comments) SHARE More Sharing The True Cost of Meat I doubt that most people will change their meat diet after reading this. However, one never knows and some may. For a certainty, I believe vegetarians and vegans are a special "breed" if they are drawn to a plant-based diet life style out of compassion for animals.
Cow, From FlickrPhotos
Saturday, September 30, 2017 (6 comments) SHARE More Sharing Rabbis Promoting a Vegan Diet It was wonderful to read today re Jewish Rabbis advocating for adopting a vegan lifestyle. I hope and pray that all Jews will recognize what one Rabbi opined- that a vegan diet is in keeping with the Jewish values of compassion, respect for the environment and concern for our physical and spiritual well-being.
Stock Photo of a Horse, From FlickrPhotos
Wednesday, September 27, 2017 (6 comments) SHARE More Sharing Kachina's Nightmare People of compassion realize that this beautiful virtue extends not only to humans but to animals as well. Sadly, though- the word hasn't gotten out enough because we will find people like Gordon Bates and his daughter who have no inkling at all as to the meaning of this beautiful word -compassion.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017 (2 comments) SHARE More Sharing NRDC's Nature's Voice I receive a newsletter put out by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Today I took the time to read it in depth, and I'm glad I did. If you care about the environment, you may also want to receive this informative newsletter.

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