For 3 days numerous bands played on an open air session stage and in the evening inside the concert hall of the YAAM, a cultural oasis in the heart of Berlin and a magnet for Berliners and international tourists alike, who are fascinated by this experiment of urban world culture.
Outdoor info tables as well as the regular African Caribean food stalls.
There were tables from local social activist groups of ATTAC and BUND and a info table of an alliance that plans the anti-nuclear trek, a large demonstration on September 5, in Berlin.
"Activist alliance Freedom not Fear" prepares for an anti surveillance demonstration in Berlin.
The Alliance of the Berlin Monday demonstration and of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence were present.
The march is backed by hundreds of prominent supporters including Jimmy Carter, Yoko Ono, who call for demilitarization and renunciation of the use of war as a means to resolve conflicts.
The march is also backed by international politicians who demand a new independent 9/11 investigation.
Presented were also groups who demand the ban of the rightwing party NPD, as well as groups who informed about unanswered questions of the 9/11 attacks.
Another info table presented books and free copies on libertarian municipalism, a theory of grassroots democracy by Murray Bookchin, a social ecologist and communalist who greatly influenced the Green movement in the 1990s.
Querkopf, a left newspaper for homeless people in Berlin, who also distributes 9/11 info DVDs was present as well as a silkscreen printing workshop.
"Eve und Rave" presented alternative drug policies and informed about Aids. People from the Hemp Museum Berlin advertised for the Hemp Parade coming August.
A special feature of this years Freigeist Festival was an international petition, that has so far been signed by 54 interntional politicians, who call on US-president Barack Obama to open a new and independent investigation into the terror attacks on September 11th, 2001.
Also more than 200 major peace and civil rights organizations in the USA call for an immediate end to war
and the investigation and prosecution of government officials who have participated in war crimes.
The petition is supported by a group of members of the US-Congress. Many of the signatories also demand a new 9/11 investigation.
The Berlin section of the international group "Grandmothers for Peace" were also present with an info table.
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