What Israel is doing to Palestinians is an outrage. It strikes at the very core of our existential values, our sense of morality, our notions of justice and compassion. It is a crying shame we are reduced to this state of helplessness. To have to watch our words and tiptoe around the 'sensitivities' of an oppressor and its sponsors. To be told even passive boycott is verboten.
What sin-ridden karma are Palestinians forced to repay through their wrenching battle for survival against the pitiless onslaught of another people who view them as sub-humans? How is it that five generations of a people have lived like a lost tribe in plain sight for 70 years when even the dreaded Jewish concentration camps in WW II lasted a mere 12 years? Must a people who played no part in the tragedy of the Jews keep paying the price of an unending retribution by proxy? Why, even as the rest of us charge headlong into the marvels of the 21st century, are they locked in a time warp? Did the world throw away the key to its conscience the same day Israel threw away the key to the world's largest open-air prison?
Such visceral reactions are to be expected from anyone with a modicum of human decency. Israel is a lawless rogue nation still playing the victim 73 years after the holocaust. Its in your face defiance of international laws and the perverse justifications for its bizarre conduct invoke more probing questions though.
What is the purpose of Israel? Are the Jews of Israel to be eternal victims of such an unforgettable, unforgivable tragedy that the world must forever look the other way while their leaders do whatever they want? Why is only their particular tragedy called a holocaust? Why are the walls around Palestine still going up when more formidable walls have come crashing down elsewhere in the world?
Perhaps our outrage is meant to be. To keep us seething in a torrent of raw emotion at this danse macabre in one forlorn corner of the world, while something coldly calculating weaves a sinister web of intrigue in the shadows. We -- the onlookers, the Palestinians, ordinary Israelites and the Jewish diaspora -- may all be getting played.
To start with, the accuracy of the 6 million Jewish deaths in the holocaust of WW II has never been proven. To question it is to invite a tirade of accusation, abuse and criminalizing laws as many, British historian David Irving among them, have discovered. Roundly condemned, shouted down and jailed as an anti-Semite and holocaust denier, Irving nevertheless raises some troubling issues. According to his calculations, the actual number of Jewish deaths could be closer to 3 million, many of them due to starvation and disease rather than lethal gas. For sure, even 3 million deaths, by whatever cause, in those horrific circumstances is still an abomination which should never have taken place. But it does not explain why the 6 million is such an occultic number that even a hint of skepticism about it should set off a howl of indignation.
Contrast this against the selective amnesia over a similar fate that befell the North Koreans and Vietnamese, neither of whom have been accorded a sacrosanct status as the Jews. The yawning gulf between official and unofficial body counts (still in fashion then, after a fashion) from their tragedies has produced little more than a yawn. Officially, one million North Koreans died in the Korean War, which featured the most brutal carpet bombing ever in modern history. Unofficial estimates suggest North Korea lost nearly a third of its population, some 3.5 million people. Likewise, officially approved estimates say just a million Vietnamese lost their lives in the Vietnam War. The real death toll was placed at as high as 3.8 million by American political scientist Rudolf Rummel. Obviously, who gets killed and who does the killing matter more than how many have to die to qualify as holocaust victims. Just as carbon monoxide, Zyklon B and barrel bombs are haram but napalm, Agent Orange, depleted uranium and nuclear bombs are kosher.
The term holocaust was coined by Elie Wiesel, survivor of Auschwitz and Buchenwald in 1944--1945, in his book Night, which was published in 1960, 15 years after the last WW II concentration camp was shut down. 'The Holocaust' has since been the raison d'etre for the very phenomenon of Israel, burnished into its leitmotif through a vast global propaganda machine dominated by Western media in a sweeping rationale for all that has transpired since with Israel. Not only in Palestine, but right across the Middle East in Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Yemen, Iran and the Gulf States. And winding its way over Turkey to Europe, the Caucasus, Ukraine, Russia, Central Asia, South and South-East Asia...perhaps even to China and the Far East.
Too farfetched? Consider how, in almost every one of these tension points where the West's interests clash against those of others, the name of Israel keeps popping up in one capacity or another. Strange that a tiny country with a population of barely 7 million can punch so far above its weight. The popular perception is Israel is the tail that wags the Western dog. This may well be a myth we are fed. Israel's outsized presence in global geopolitics resembles more the 15km long Halley's Comet with its 100,000 million km plume. We see only the cosmic dust trail of the plume.
The creation of Israel at the center of the Islamic world was clearly premeditated. The world Jewish population today is about 14.5 million. Of this, only 44% live in Israel, followed by 40% in the US and less than 100,000 in Germany. Fewer than half of the Jewish people were seduced by the siren song of Zion to the sadistic killing fields of Palestine. Had the Western powers wanted, they could have relocated the entire Jewish population of 11 million in 1945 within Europe itself or to other resource-rich Western countries with vast land areas and low population densities like the US, Canada or Australia. A hugely talented and industrious people, the Jews would have assimilated seamlessly into those communities, as the ones that did not elect to go to Israel amply demonstrate. They could have even been given the same sliver of land shaved off any of these countries to call their own. They would have prospered among friendly nations instead of soaking a barren promised land with sacrificial blood to propitiate the god of Zion.
The Western powers, however, chose to plonk them down on a hornet's nest. It beggars belief they were oblivious to the inevitable blowback. Empires do not do such things casually, nor do they get into raptures over holy causes except when it suits their less than holy purposes. The undimming aura of violence Israel has emanated for seven interminable decades suggests it was meant to be the West's frontier post in the East for other reasons. To keep a menacing finger on the pulsatile arterial blood flow of the global economy -- the oil and gas resources of Arabia. Perhaps also to keep Islam on the back foot in its own heartland and to act as a staging point to steal the vast natural resources of the African continent.
The mafiaesque solidarity of the Western political class in its carved in stone fealty to Israel, despite its own bitter internecine feuds, lends credence to the above. The official story about the long arc of the moral universe finally bending to justice for wandering Israelites sounds like a bedtime yarn for the wide-eyed in the face of all that has happened. How is it that the very governments which are reducing Christianity to a laughingstock by 'liberating' themselves and their citizenry from its binding moral strictures (which were indeed set in stone) are dazzled by an everlasting epiphany over the sanctity of another religion? Are we to believe they are stauncher to another faith than their own?
The real reasons, truer to their character, are likely venal. Western governments and their allies are in thrall to financial and business elite interests with ostensibly Zionist overtones denied only halfheartedly. A righteous front for grand skullduggery on a global scale. Bearing the imprints of the Rothschilds, Goldman Sachs and their ilk, it snakes across the world's billionaire class of all religious persuasion (or none), and rears its hood like the serpent of Eden each year at Davos and the Bilderberg Group -- secretive conclaves of one world order control freaks. Key government positions in the US and Europe -- particularly in the areas of finance, military affairs and foreign policy -- have been systematically infiltrated by these one-worlders who flaunt their sympathy for the Zionist cause like a matador baiting the bull. For suckers like us who gore the lure while they stick it into our flanks.
This account will be incomplete without a dishonorable mention of the disgraceful role of Western mainstream media, which has sworn an oath of omerta on all news and views contrary to the interests of Israel and one-worlders. It is a seamless affair that segues from one to the other without drawing a breath, as if they are one and the same. It throws a blanket immunity over both against any and all international laws or moral restraints under the twin pretexts of a 4,000 years old Biblical claim and a reparation in blood for a 70 years old tragedy which has been elevated to the level of the original sin. No atrocity is too big to commit for Israel or the one-worlders. All are in self-defense, every rival an existential threat.
Whose existence? The Jews can survive without Israel, the majority already does. It is the one-worlders who seem to need Israel more than the Jews themselves.
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