Owner: Electronic_Frontier_Foundation at flickr.com/people/59202267@N08/
(Image by Electronic_Frontier_Foundation) Details DMCA
Owner: Electronic_Frontier_Foundation at flickr.com/people/59202267@N08/ by Electronic_Frontier_Foundation
Come one and all, voice your opinion on the internet!
Big Brother is watching you.
comment on, plus every SMS message you send, every phone
Big Brother is watching you.
You can write all about the 9/11 false-flag conspiracy, how it was an
inside job, a government-sponsored mass murder, a pretext to occupy
Iraq and Afghanistan, to jump-start a phony "war on terror" and install
a surveillance state at home.
Big Brother is watching you.
You can write all you want about the impostor/usurper pseudo-
progressive Obama, his ineligibility to be president, the three forged birth
certificates, his war-mongering and lies, how he governs to the right of
Big Brother is watching you. In Utah... miles and miles of computers,
acres of them to spy on every breath you take.
You can write about the Permanent War Economy, how it swallows up
over half of the federal budget, how you pay for the wars, the invasions,
the occupations, the assassinations, the drone missile attacks, the torture
centers around the world.
Big Brother is watching you. The American Police State is watching
Big Brother was watching Michael Hastings, the journalist who exposed
Afghanistan NATO honcho General Stanley McChrystal in Rolling Stone
and got him fired. Hastings was exchanging secrets with Edward
Snowden about the NSA domestic-spying program and U.S. false-flag
operations. Hastings was also investigating CIA Director John Brennan
for an upcoming exposà ©. He told friends he feared for his life and "had
to go off the radar for awhile." Michael Hastings' Mercedes Benz
supposedly crashed into a tree on an empty Los Angeles street at 4:20
am. The back of the car was blown out by a bomb or a drone.
Witnesses reported loud explosions; at least one witness said the car
exploded before it hit the tree. Hastings was murdered by the Obama
Big Brother was watching Christopher Bollyn, the journalist investigating
Israeli spy agency Mossad's deep involvement in the 9/11 "terrorist"
attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. An armed
three-man squad of undercover police barged into Bollyn's home and
TASERed him while he was handcuffed and held down by two armed
men. They broke his arm in front of his wife and eight-year-old
daughter. Bollyn had to flee the U.S. with his family and move to
Germany to carry on his research.
Big Brother is watching you if you are on Obama's official Hit List.
He meets every Tuesday with top brass to decide who should be
murdered by drone missile or drone bomb attack. Permissible targets
include American citizens at home or abroad who have not been
officially charged with any crimes. Do not incur the wrath of the
dictator Obama, or you could be next. The spineless Republicrats and
Demobicans have given the Impostor/Usurper/Forger-In-Chief
unprecedented near-absolute power.
Every e-mail you write, every Tweet you Twitter, every phone call...
Big Brother is watching you. And listening. Compiling data on you, a
dossier on every individual who raises a voice, who thinks for
themselves. No matter who is president.
Don't worry, though, as long as you chatter amongst yourselves, as
long as you are no real threat to the powers that be, Big Brother will not
harm you. But if you become a threat to the power structure,
Big Brother will take steps to eliminate you.
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