The Election Protection Wiki is part of CMD's award-winning website and operates on wiki software which allows anyone who registers on the website to participate in creating and updating articles. SourceWatch contains in-depth articles on every member of (and most candidates for) the US Congress at CMD employs both professional and volunteer editors who work together online to ensure articles are accurate, fully documented and fair.
Recent presidential elections were marred by controversies and disputes. Scores of individuals and organizations have been working to investigate and reform US elections, issuing reports and information on topics such as electronic voting machines, voter suppression campaigns and student voting rights. However, this information is spread across many different websites, news sources and databases. The Election Protection Wiki seeks to provide a single web portal for accessing this disparate information. Its information is non-partisan and factual; anyone of any political persuasion will be able to access and use it to protect every American's right to vote.
The Election Protection Wiki's professional staff members include Project Editor Dave Johnson, a Fellow at the Commonweal Institute and Senior Fellow at the Institute for the Renewal of the California Dream; and Senior Researcher Dr. Steve Freeman of the Center for Organizational Dynamics at the University of Pennsylvania. (Titles are for identification purposes only.) CMD's Conor Kenny is the Managing Editor of both the Election Protection Wiki and Congresspedia, CMD's partnership project with the Sunlight Foundation that reports on every member of Congress.