Call Me Bat Sh*t Crazy, But...
by John Kendall Hawkins
Nobody in the MSM seems to be addressing the obvious question regarding the sudden and 'miraculous' outpouring of vaccines for Covid-19 in the months following Trump's dismissal from office. Let's recall for a moment that when the Idiot President announced in May 2020 that his FDA had a plan for the pandemic called Operation Warp Speedthat would see a vaccine made available by as soon as October 2020 (the October Surprise season in presidential politics) he was universally hooted at and laughed down by the MSM, especially by the New York Times, which went out of its way, in at least two pieces, to note that, in the first piece, "the fastest a new vaccine has been developed and distributed is four years and most have taken considerably longer."
And in the other piece, drawing the same conclusion, the NYT, basing it graphics on "Development Times and Approval Success Rates for Drugs to Treat Infectious Diseases," a peer-reviewed study, in Clinical and Pharmacology Therapeutics, provided the reader with a gloomy interactive display of futility graphs regarding vaccine production in the near future. According to the Paper of Record, there's just no way a vaccine could be had in less than four years. Not to mention, as of the date of the Times article, no vaccine had ever developed for Coronavirus.
However, to be fair and balanced, the peer-reviewed piece on which their graphic analysis was presented to the reader, was a year old and preceded the Covid-19 outbreak. Maybe things changed in a year, new research unfolded, new processes were tickled awake scientists. Moore's Law and all that. But nobody is pointing that out.
This futility is backed up in a similar study, "Clinical Development Success Rates, 2006-2015," in which it is claimed in the Executive Summary that "This is the largest study of clinical drug development success rates to date." They, too, conclude that four years is the minimum requirement for such vaccine ever reaching production.
Another more recent scientific piece does address the rather amazing development of multiple Covid-19 vaccines simultaneously. In "Vaccine development: Covid-19 and beyond," Josh Loeb and Julienne Wooster discuss why vaccines for other viruses can't be developed as quickly as we've seen with Covid-19. It's an intriguing reason they give for Covid-19 development. They tell us,
'Lucky' might seem a strange word to use in this context, but in many ways humanity really did get lucky in the fact that, on this occasion, a pandemic was occasioned by SARSCoV-2 (the virus that causes Covid19) rather than a different type of virus...the Covid-19 vaccine was produced much faster - in part, it's true, because of a combination of urgent need and simple good fortune, but, most importantly, owing to the now notorious coronavirus 'spike protein'
Well, I suppose we can't knock luck in science, after all Newton is said to have been conked on the noggin by an apple and went on and on about gravity afterward. But so far, reproducible evidence of how Covid scientists at Big Pharma came to cry Eureka at the same time has yet to be expressed.
It borders on "conspiracy theory" to say so, but such miracles and "luck" remind me of the not-so-happy hooplah following the collapse of the towers in New York on 9/11. How?
At that time, many observers were asking how is it possible for two towers to collapse that way in near-free fall time, for the first time in history? For a long time many people thought it had to be "an inside job" -- and stories appeared to that effect, and continue today.
But I held out for a different explanation, not only because it seemed impossible for so many conspirators to successfully coordinate such an attack on that scale, but because in our hysteria and fear as Americans (I was returning to England from Dunkirk beach when I heard) we went a little nuts. When Popular Mechanics released its explanation of how and why the towers fell , the piece went into graphic detail about the anomalies of the Twin Towers's construction and design. To date, no such piece has appeared about Covid-19's anomalous vaccine development. I don't necessarily buy into the PM analysis, but it's valuable to have on hand in making up your own mind. We're still waiting for a PM-like analysis for the near free fall collapse of research time needed to develop the magic vaccines. We can't make do with "we got lucky."
Recently, MIT's Technology Review continued to remind readers that the origin of Covid-19 has yet to be determined. In "Did the coronavirus leak from a lab? These scientists say we shouldn't rule it out," the writers castigate the MSM for rushing to judgement on the origin of the virus, eschewing the scientific method for political explanations. The authors write,
David Relman, a microbiologist at Stanford University, says a lab leak was never the subject of a "fair and dispassionate discussion of the facts as we know them." Instead, tempers soon began to flare as those calling for a closer look at possible lab origins were dismissed as conspiracy theorists spouting misinformation. Election-year politics and growing Sinophobic sentiments only added to the tensions....with then-president Trump fuming about a "Chinese virus," many scientists and reporters became "cautious about saying anything that might justify the rhetoric of his administration," says Jamie Metzl, a senior fellow at the..Atlantic Council".
Science at work, under political strain. We've seen it before, in Germany, and it can get ugly.
The origins of Covid-19 are not necessarily relevant to how Big Pharma scientists came up with a vaccine, but the question draws attention to potentially dodgy findings and /or previously established "research" that was already known. Nobel scientist Luc Montagnier, a French virologist who won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 2008 for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), has openly declared that Covid-19 was lab made.
We came to the conclusion that there was manipulation around this virus. ["] To a part but I do not say the total ["] of the coronavirus of the bat, someone added sequences, in particular of HIV, the virus of AIDS. ["] It is not natural. It's the work of professionals, of molecular biologists. ["] A very meticulous work.
Well, who knows maybe he went all Flowers of Algernon and returned to some previous developmentally disabled beginnings. They also serve who only sweep and buff, as pundits would probably put it.
It's noteworthy that in confirming that Montagnier actually made the claim and explained why, Snopes, the "fact checking" site, felt it necessary to cover their asses by noting to the reader, "Keep in mind, the opinion of one person does not outweigh the consensus of the scientific community." Well, that may be true, but ask Galileo et alis. Read the information and make up your own mind.
Again, until now, no coronavirus vaccine had been developed. But we do know that after SARS-1 that lots of research went into finding a vaccine, and there was some stockpiled research available when SARS-2 hit. The race for a SARS-1 vaccine was abandoned when it disappeared spontaneously and when Big Pharma learned that it would not be granted a patent for a vaccine and their results would be shared. A Guardian piece last year, "How profit makes the fight for a coronavirus vaccine harder," makes it clear that quick development is unlikely and not profitable:
Only a few massive companies retain the ability to develop and produce a vaccine from start to finish, partly because of the expense and the timescales involved and partly because they've consolidated the patents on manufacturing processes - a situation analysts openly call an oligopoly.
Big Pharma, in other words, couldn't care less about tackling a pandemic for the sake of humanity, unless there's a buck involved.
This brings up another sensitive issue. Last August, I wrote a piece on DARPA, Covid-19 and the profit motive, and another piece, about a week later, on the US government's framework for developing synthetic biological weapons. So, am I about to introduce a conspiracy theory (note how you have to be defensive these days -- even when providing evidence)? No conspiracy, but certainly professional collaboration between players of the Deep State (the best explanation of this very real olio is discussed between PBS's Bill Moyers and longtime congressional staffer Mike Lofgren, back in 2014), which used to be known as the Military-Industrial Complex. While he can't held accountable for the outbreak, the groundwork for its inevitability took place during the Trump Administration. One should begin by noting that President Barack Obama, along with Dr. Anthony Fauci, the $400,000 per year civil servant, placed a moratorium on gain-of-function research in 2014 when it became clear to them that such research could not be adequately contained in labs.
Note the following Timeline:
- Trump inaugurated (January 2017)
- DARPA (Pandemic Prevention Program) announced (March 2017)
- Trump takes gain-of-function research out of funding moratorium (December 2017)
- Biodefense in the Age of Synthetic Biology PDF (January 2019) published
- Dr. Fauci helps fund Wuhan lab that specializes in coronavirus bat sh*t where Covid-19 is thought to originate (Fall 2019)
- First case of Covid-19 appears in (November 2019)
- Chinese doctor warns of impending pandemic (December 2019)
- 1st Trump impeachment begins (December 2019)
- First case of Covid-19 in the US (January 2020)
- Impeachment fails late January (2020)
- Super Bowl (February 2020)
- US officials deliver f irst US Covid survivor's antibodies delivered to Abcellera in Vancouver (February 2020)
- Abcellera processes antibodies, announces partnership with Eli Lilly (February 2020)
- US Senators briefed on the coming pandemic; some begin selling off vulnerable stock on the Exchange based on insider information (March 2020)
- Trump announces Operation Warp Speed May 2020, promises vaccine by October2020
- NYT and other MSM outlets "debunk" Trump's claim, pointing out a vaccine has NEVER been developed in under four years (May 2020)
- Eli Lilly announces testing for new monoclonal antibody solution to Covid (August 2020)
- AstraZeneca (OWS) announce delay in vaccine development (August 2020)
- Glenn Greenwald quits The Intercept, which he helped found, claiming "censorship;" (October 2020). The Intercept is owned by Pierre Omidyar
- Trump loses re-election (November 2020)
- Peter Thiel, CEO of Paypal (a subsidiary of eBay, owned by Pierer Omidyar) goes from investor in Abcellera to a member of its Board of Directors just after election (November 2020)
- First US Covid-19 vaccine rollout begins (Dec 2020), less than a year since virus touched down in US -- by far, the quickest virus vaccine development in history
- Biden become president January 2020
So, what does it all mean? Well, the wild card is Greenwald; I don't have any reason to believe that he left The Intercept under any other cloud than the one he himself describes at his new Substack site. But, one could wonder if he'd be okay with, or if the Intercept would report on Thiel's joining Abcellera (presumably Omidyar, as his boss would have had knowledge). Thiel's not a humanitarian (check out his Palantir, Facebook and CIA/NSA connections), as an investor in Abcellera, a DARPA partner, he must have known he'd make a nice buck. It would be a good story for the MSM cover.
Whether by hook or crook, the whole Military-Industrial cycle from the government creating viruses to having DARPA begin a program that will enrich its partners as they "develop" vaccines together for future pandemics to miraculous lab work to sudden overflows of luck-driven vaccines, there's a ratty smell to it. They all seem to anticipate plenty of cash flow ahead, enough to encourage the CEO of Paypal (eBay) to invest in, with a view to the billionaire making a future buck off Abcellera's developments.
But if the experts could only gather to tackle Climate Change with such vigor and luck and professionalism, we might have a lucky break that way too. Now there's something worth investing in -- humanity!
(Article changed on Apr 15, 2021 at 1:55 AM EDT)