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Chapter Eighteen: 2020: The Second Final Solution

Steven Jonas
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This is Chapter 18/Section 2 (of "The History"), of the 2024 Serialization of the Second Edition (2013) of the book by Steven Jonas: "The 15% Solution: How the Republican Religious Right Took Control of the U.S., 1981-2022." The subject of this chapter, "The Second Final Solution," (from the perspective of 2048 when the book was supposedly published), was a method devised by the government of the apartheid state of "The New American Republics," to "take care of" persons determined to be "undesirable."

A third, printed, edition of the book is currently in preparation and should be in publication sometime in August.


Author's Commentary: The Progress of the War [1]

Following the issuance of the Restoration Declaration on July 4, 2019, the Movement for the Restoration of Constitutional Democracy undertook a summer multi-front offensive. It was somewhat effective. The MRCD forces demonstrated that they had a working communications and command and control system and could carry out complex, coordinated operations in up to a dozen locations at the same time. They showed that they were well-supplied and well-equipped, and from captured NAR materiel and other sources had the ability to make up supply and equipment losses fairly quickly.

They demonstrated that they were in regular communication with the commanders of the anti-fascist forces in the Latin Wars and could coordinate actions with them when necessary. They were able to establish defensible lines around many of the urban Sectors of the Black Republic. An important military asset were the hostages they were able to make of the troops in the Helmsmen Garrisons inside the Black and Red Republic Sectors, either by physically capturing them or bottling them up and cutting their sources of supply.

They of course did not have air support in the urban Black Sectors, but they did have an ample supply of old 20th century Stinger hand-held ground-to-air missile launchers and missiles. Those weapons had been widely used and very amply supplied by the US/CIA to the Rightists in the late 20th century Afghanistan civil war. Following the end of that war, there were a large number of them left over. Still, from 2019 on they were readily available on the world-wide armaments black market. A large number of these missiles had been painstakingly collected by the MRCD forces over a several-year period before the Declaration of Rededication. Their use significantly diminished the effectiveness of Hagueite close-in air sup port in many urban Black Sectors.

In terms of an air-arm of its own, in several of the wide-open Red Sectors, the Native American forces of the MRCD were able to assemble small fleets of captured attack helicopters. They were effectively employed in "air guerrilla" operations. When not in use they were kept hidden in caves to protect them from Hagueite attacks.

However, despite these military achievements, in 2019 the MRCD forces were unable to make any significant territorial gains, nor were they able to make any one Black or Red Republic Sector secure enough to establish a base for a permanent provisional government. Yet they were able to tie up Hagueite forces, disrupt supply-lines and communications, cost the Hagueites considerable sums of money, and inflict significant casualties on an already over-burdened military/oppressor force. They were also able for the first time to mount and maintain a significant international diplomatic effort on behalf of the oppressed peoples of the NAR, of all Republics, colors, and ethnic groups.

International Developments

In that summer of 2019, the first international response from the Two Major Powers, the United States of Europe (USE) and the East Asian Confederation [2] (EAC), to the MRCD diplomatic effort was one typical of its sort over the course of history. The violence was "officially condemned," as were the "atrocities on both sides." (There were few documented atrocities on the MRCD side, many on the Hagueite side, but the usual "balance" was achieved in this announcement.) "American Apartheid" had already been condemned some years before by what was left of the United Nations, but no formal actions against it had ever been taken. The Two Major Powers had never addressed the issue, and neither did they do so at this time.

The "good offices" of the Two Major Powers were offered to negotiate an end to the conflict. The offer was rejected by both sides. The Hagueites claimed, variously, that it was a "matter of no consequence," that the "disturbances would be brought under control soon," that such an offer constituted "meddling in the NAR's internal affairs," or, digging up some hoary language not much used in recent years, that such an offer was "part of an anti-Christian, socialist plot of the New World Order and the United Nations." The MRCD position was simple: the restoration of Constitutional democracy, freedom, and liberty, and the end to racist repression and division of the nation were not negotiable.

Trade between the NAR and the rest of the world had since the former's founding continued unabated. After all, with the decline in the supply of Middle East petroleum the NAR had become one of the world's two major suppliers of energy and other raw materials. (The other was the Siberian Region of Russia, now jointly administered by the Two Major Powers.) With the outbreak of the rebellion, a voluntary trade and cultural boycott movement that had been underway in a desultory manner for several years began to grow. Along with it there were in creasing demands addressed to the United Nations and the Two Major Powers by liberal and left-wing governments and non-governmental organizations around the world to do something on behalf of democracy, Constitutionalism, and human rights, ranging from economic sanctions, to supplying arms to the Constitutionalist side, to armed intervention.

The first official international response to these developments was a classic: an embargo by the Two Major Powers on arms shipments to all units of the NAR. In practice, this "evenhanded" move would have impact upon only the MRCD side. The Hagueites of course already had a highly developed military supply industry and had no need for imported arms. Thus on paper the arms embargo was like the one imposed by the Western democracies during the Spanish Civil War (1936-39).

In practice that embargo had deprived only the elected Republican government of Spain the weapons it needed to defend itself against the fascist rebels under Generalissimo Francisco Franco. The latter received all the weapons they needed from fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, both of which ignored the embargo. The Italian and German fascist government also sent on the order of 60,000 troops to fight alongside of the Spanish fascist forces. That effort, plus the effectiveness of the embargo on the Republican forces, doomed them to defeat from the start.

However, the embargo in the Second American Civil War turned out to be about as effective as a high-quality sieve, to the benefit primarily of the MRCD. No foreign nations were about to send ships across a minimum of 3000 miles of open ocean in an attempt to enforce it. The NAR had close to 5000 miles of ocean coastline, dotted with many harbors both great and small, especially on its Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Northwest Pacific coasts.

Over the preceding ten years, with the diversion of military funding to support domestic repressive forces and the land-based units necessary to prosecute the Latin Wars, the Navy of the White Republic had been allowed to decline. In support of the Latin Wars that Navy was already stretched thin. Thus while the Hagueites themselves announced a blockade in an attempt to prevent arms from reaching the MRCD, it had little practical effect.

The Hague Regime Begins to Feel the Pressure

As a result of all this military, international, and diplomatic activity, even though none of it was perceived by the outside world as immediately destabilizing for the Hague regime, it felt threatened for the first time. As a result, on the military side, The Sieges of the principal Black Urban Sectors were begun in the fall of 2019. Although they had little military effect, the toll in human suffering was quite high.

On the politico-repressive side, early in the winter of 2020, planning was begun for the Second Final Solution, which would be yet an other play on homophobia. It was implemented with the coming of spring in 2020. The Hagueites, like fascist bullies everywhere over the course of history, would be much more successful in carrying out actions against unarmed civilians than against opposing military forces of even somewhat equal military capability.

Homophobia in the Law During the Fascist Period

During the Transition Era, such Right-Wing Reactionary leaders as Pat Robertson and Newton Gingrich had seemed to look upon homophobia as a political tool with much apparent pleasure (see Chapters 7 and 11). Jefferson Davis Hague was about to gladly use it for political and repressive purposes for the third time during his reign. The out come of this effort would be the deadliest of the three. (There is no evidence that any of the Transition Era Right-Wing Reactionary utilizers of homophobia would have approved of or condoned in any way the outcomes of its use under Hague.)

To briefly review Hague's use of homophobia, in 2005, during his first term, the Republican-Christian Alliance had enacted the 31st Amendment to the Constitution of the old U.S. (see Chapter seven). Section 3 of that Amendment stated:

"Engaging in sexual relations with persons of the same sex is a matter of choice; no provision of this Constitution may be deemed to provide preferential status in the civil or criminal law at the Federal, state, or local level to any person or group of persons based on their chosen sexual preference."

Functionally, this act and the legislation written pursuant to it at the Federal, state, and local levels around the country, had three principal outcomes: it lead to an explosion of public and private discrimination against persons based upon their sexual orientation; it legitimized homophobic violence and in many jurisdictions essentially decriminalized it; it drove to ground most homosexuals who were not already there.

Four years later, Hague had delivered his "Proclamation of Right," decreeing that homosexuality was a crime (see Chapter 11). In the Decree Hague said in part:

"Homosexuality and its associated behaviors, pedophilia, sadism, and masochism are all abnormal, wrong, unnatural, and perverse, as well as sins against God. . . . Despite the measures taken pursuant to Section 3 of the 31st Amendment, in the eyes of God and every right"'thinking American, homosexuality and its associated perversions still constitute a plague upon our land and people. . . . As of this holy day, in homage to our almighty God, in recognition of His declaration that homosexuality is the worst kind of perversion, I hereby declare that homosexuality, in thought or action, is a crime."

Functionally, this decree and the legislation written pursuant to it at the Federal, state, and local levels around the country had three principal outcomes: it gave law-enforcement officials a free hand to imprison or send to a Moral Rehabilitation Center (MRC) anyone, based upon their sexual orientation or their suspected sexual orientation; it thus completely terrorized the remaining sexually active homosexuals, of whom there were now very few; and it thus gave the forces of repression a very convenient "legal" method for imprisoning without trial anyone they could not imprison on other grounds: simply accuse the person of thinking homosexual thoughts.

This approach harked back to the anti-communist hysteria of the McCarthy Period (1946-60). As previously noted, during that time many people suffered both criminal and civil sanctions simply because they thought unpopular thoughts and took unpopular positions, not be cause they did anything unlawful. The only difference was that now, in aid of repression of opponents of the regime, it was sex, not politics that was the apparent indicator for action, even though in both cases politics was the ultimate motivator for the repressors.

The Presidential decree of 2009 resulted in the legalization of homophobic violence in the following sense. It was still technically a crime to assault (or worse) a homosexual, or someone the assailant claimed was a homosexual. However, from the time of the onset of organized violence against elective pregnancy termination clinics during the Transition Era, the pattern had been established of permitting private citizens to take the law into their own hands even to the extent of committing a crime by so doing, if the victim were perceived by Right-Wing Reaction as a "moral enemy" (Hill). Homophobic violence was just an extension of this pattern.

Since homosexuality was now a crime, persons convicted of engaging in it or even thinking about doing so, were subject to incarceration. However, the prisons were already very overcrowded, even after the massive Federal and state prison construction programs that had been commenced during the early Transition Era and continued unabated. Thus most homosexuals picked up under the Hague decree of 2009 were sent to an MRC (Moral Rehabilitation Center).

(Since so many were incarcerated in them, the MRCs subsequently became just about the only loci in the NAR in which homosexuals could live without fear for their lives and engage in what for them were fairly normal sexual practices. A parallel in the days of the old Transition Era "Drug Wars" was the easy availability of drugs in prisons [Purdy].)

The establishment in 2009 of the new "legal" category "suspected homosexual" opened up a huge can of highly poisonous worms. This new construct contrasted sharply with the old racial one. In most cases, one could not be labeled a "suspected" Black, or Latino, or Native American, just as in Nazi Germany there had been no category for "suspected" Jew. In the eyes of the respective regimes, the person either was or wasn't a member of the named category, and in either case, for the racial assignment that was made some kind of positive proof, no matter how arbitrary or capricious, could be offered.

In the matter of "suspected homosexual," however, any person so labeled who claimed the assignment was not based on fact had to prove a negative: "I am not a homosexual," or even further, "I do not think homosexual thoughts." The regime did not have to prove a positive. It only had to produce a statement from someone, anyone, saying "I suspect so-and-so" of either being or thinking as a homosexual.

The imprisoning of homosexuals simply on the basis of their previously open homosexuality, a la Nazi Germany, represented one kind of horror. Imprisoning non-homosexuals on the grounds that they were indeed homosexuals, represented an even deeper horror (that is, if one can rank horrors). And then, in 2020, both the "homosexual" and the "suspected homosexual" labels came to be used to put people to their deaths, not just imprison them. For in that year the Hagueites implemented what came internally to be called the "Second Final Solution."

The Basis of the Second Final Solution[3]

The Second Final Solution (SFS) was a secret plan with a public face. The latter presented itself as a program aimed at rounding up the homosexual population remaining in the White Republic of the NAR. The SFS actually aimed to exterminate those persons, as well as anyone identified as an "enemy of Christ" or an "agent of the devil," that is, otherwise, any opponent of the Hague regime, what it stood for, and what it was doing, without the benefit of any kind of criminal justice procedure. The plan also avoided the local messiness created by the Death Squads.

The strategy was based in part on a Transition Era text by a "Christian Identity" minister known as Pastor Peter J. Peters entitled The Death Penalty for Homosexuals (1992). Peters cited several well-known excerpts from the Bible that taken literally call for the death penalty for persons committing homosexual acts. For example:

"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; . . . (Leviticus 20:13)."

(See the Poughton letter in Chapter 11 for a different interpretation of that same excerpt by a Baptist minister.)

The Reverend Pat Robertson took a position similar in certain ways to Peters'. During a television program broadcast on May 5, 1985 he said, in part (Porteus):

"The [Biblical] wars of extermination have given a lot of people trouble unless they know what was going on. The people in the land of Palestine were very wicked. They were given over to idolatry; . . . they were having sex men with men and women with women; . . . and they were forsaking God. God told the Israelites to kill them all . . . [emphasis added].

"And that seems to be a terrible thing to do. Is it? Or isn't it? . . . God saw that there was no cure for [what the people of Palestine were doing]. . . . [A]ll they would do is . . . pull the Israelites away from God, and prevent the truth of God from reaching the Earth. So God, in love, took away a small number that he might not have to take a large number."

(Pastor Peters, of course, accepted the Bible as the "Word of God," as did the Rev. Robertson. Interestingly enough, to support this position Peters cited a secular authority, a resolution actually passed by the Congress of the old U.S. in 1982 that began with the words [P.L. 97-280]: "Whereas the Bible, the Word of God, has made a unique contribution in shaping the United States as a distinctive and blessed nation and people, . . . [emphasis added].")

In contrast with Pastor Peters, others might say that the writers of the Leviticus text quoted above, and those of similar import, were, a) men, not God, and b) were men afflicted with a radical form of homophobia themselves. The question might be raised, why should people living three thousand or so years later in a completely different culture, environment, and socio-economic system pay any mind to the sayings of a sheep-herding homophobe living in a very constricted society?

Further, it might be said that such men were inveterate rule-makers for behaviors of which they did not approve for one reason or another, like homosexuality, incest, adultery, and eating pork or shellfish. In our time, few people follow their dietary rules, for good reason-- they are no longer necessary to protect health. If that is so, maybe their other rules should be examined too, on a case-by-case basis, to see if they have any modern utility, rather than just accepting them on an arbitrary basis (see also Appendix V). Actually, the Christian "Innerantists" had already done this. For while they fiercely advocated following Biblical rules on sexual behavior, they carefully did not recommend following the accompanying dietary laws, otherwise known as "keeping Kosher."

And finally, others might say, dietary rules or laws might have some public utility or effectiveness, and recommendations on what constitutes "moral" behavior might have some utility too. But attempting to legislate morality, especially with criminal penalties for non-compliance with such laws, has never been shown to be particularly effective over time in "improving morality." Rather, it has been shown to be very de moralizing to the population upon which it is imposed.

Nevertheless, it was the Peters view on what should be done to homosexuals, that is kill them, that eventually came to form the basis of the SFS. (It should be noted that there is no indication anywhere in the historical record that either Pastor Peters or the Rev. Robertson would have approved of or condoned the SFS.) It was set forth in a document named for the small Colorado town in which it was drawn up, The LaPorte Protocol.

The model for The LaPorte Protocol was the infamous Nazi German "Wannsee Protocol" which outlined the first "Final Solution" (Davidowicz, pp. 136-139). The latter lead to the virtual extermination of European Jewry. The former lead to the extermination of virtually all white homosexuals remaining in the NAR, as well as many non"'homosexuals branded as such for one reason or another and shipped off to the designated extermination camp.

Why the Policy? Why at That Time?

For the Hague regime the SFS (publicly it was called "The Campaign for Sexual Cleansing") was a three-pronged strategy. First, with the war now underway in earnest not only in the Fourth Republic but almost in the backyards of many people in the White Republic, the Hagueites once again needed a Distraction. Second, although the level of repressive terror in the White Republic itself was already very high, the Hagueites figured they needed to crank it up a notch further since significant armed White resistance to American fascism seemed to be developing for the first time. Third, they needed a swift, efficient, low-cost way to get rid of their enemies. The prisons and the MRCs would no longer do and the Death Squads were coming to be of limited utility.

This situation stood on contrast with that of Nazi Germany in regard of the First Final Solution. It had a singular focus: exterminate the Jews of Europe. There was one reason for the policy: Hitler actually believed it to be necessary for the creation and on-going security of the "Thousand-Year Reich." It did not have an external political purpose. Thus it was not publicly advertised to the German people. [4] In contrast, in the NAR, much was made of the new program, although there was a very serious attempt to keep its operational details secret.

The new Hagueite effort did have an external political purpose. "The Campaign for Sexual Cleansing" was on its face simply a re-implementation of the previously decreed criminalization of homosexuality. It was announced to the people of the White Republic as a renewed battle against the "ultimate evil." This action was to be taken, so the people were told, variously to: (a) "expunge sin from the society," (b) "punish sin," (c) round up the homosexuals "for their own protection," (d) isolate the "disease"'causers from the normal people," (e) and "deliver the sinners from evil through redemption."

Whatever the reason, according to the public announcement all homosexuals were to be sent to camps for "re-education" and "purification of the soul." But, just as the creation of the hated "other" had been used by Right"'Wing Reaction so many times in the past, once again the public campaign was intended to "supply an enemy."

Why Not Racism?

The Hagueites had come to realize that the old stand-by, racism, just wasn't working so well for them anymore. There were many reasons to account for this state of affairs, but one of them was a direct result of the Hagueites' own actions. One of the numerous outcomes of the policy of complete racial separation discussed in the last chapter was the decline of the political and social utility of racism as a means of control. Since racial separation was now virtually complete, in the White Republic racism could be reinforced only in general terms. There were no longer daily (if unrepresentative or distorted) examples of the "bad race-- "people on welfare, drug users, the homeless (blacks were in fact a minority of each group, but portrayed as dominant in each)-- examples who whites could see.

For 10 years most whites had not seen a Black except in an occasional chain gang (Cohen), had seen only an occasional un-deported Latino in the previous three years, had almost invariably looked past Native Americans in any case, and were taught by the regime that Asians were in a different racial category (NAR Asian policy being in a constant state of flux). Racism as a political weapon thus had come to have its limits.

Implementation of the "Campaign for Sexual Cleansing"

As noted, the regime did not publicly announce that according to the LaPorte Protocol it had decided in advance that there would be no "re-education" or "purification" carried out. And it did not announce that there would be no return for the affected persons. Death, pure and simple, was the object. And unlike in the Nazi death camps such as Auschwitz, death was accomplished simply. No attached slave labor factories. No gas-chambers. No ovens. And there was only one camp. It was located in an area of Southeastern California about 100 miles southwest of Las Vegas, Nevada. By a cruel irony indeed, the place was called the Devil's Playground.

Bounded on the west by the Bristol Mountains and the east by the Providence Mountains (mis-named in this context), taking up part of the by-then defunct East Mojave National Park, the regime simply ringed with a Killer Fence an area of desert 20 miles east to west and 40 miles north to south. The homosexuals and the "suspected" homosexuals were rounded up, taken to the area by truck along the old Interstate 15 to the north or 40 to the south, and deposited, left to die without food or water.

The NAR learned this technique of dealing with its enemies, real or imagined, from the old Saudi Arabian monarchy. When it caught significant opponents, including even high-ranking military officers and members of the very large Royal Family who had gone over to the opposition, they were simply taken out to the center of the vast Arabian desert, the Rub' al Khali (the Empty Quarter), and left there. Of course, the Saudi Muslims did this only on a very limited scale, to people it considered especially important enemies of the ruling clan. It was left to the Hagueites to apply it on a large scale, with little discrimination. Since it was a large-scale operation, in the end the Hagueites found it impossible to maintain complete secrecy.

While there were few survivors of the Devil's Playground, as one might imagine, enough lived to convincingly tell the horrific tale. Almost all records were destroyed in the last days of the NAR, but a few were not. Most of the truck drivers were killed by Helmsmen, but a few survived to tell what they knew too. For some time there was a market in the bones of the dead from the camp, just as there had been a market for the dried bones of dead buffalo on the Great Plains in the 1870s. A few of the drivers of the "bone buggies" survived as well.

There is no way of estimating just how many people died in this camp. But given the level of homosexual repression that had been in place since the passage of the Morality Amendment in 2005, it is fair to say that many more of them were simply opponents of the regime at one level or another than were actual homosexuals.

Next Developments in the War

The next developments in the war were in part determined by the world-wide response to the developing horror of the SFS (the Second Final Solution) as the details leaked out. It was rather different from the response which had been accorded to discovery of the First. The German Nazis began perpetrating their horror in the summer of 1941 with the construction of the first Vernichtungslager ("annihilation camp") (Davidowicz, p. 135). Credible evidence of the Nazi mass murder campaign started coming out of Eastern Europe within months of its commencement (Wouk, Chaps. 13, 14, 16, 18).

Nevertheless, it took several years for a world that did not want to know about it, and did not want to worry about what it might have to do to resettle several million European Jews, to recognize just what was going on. And still next to nothing was done about it other than a certain amount of hand-wringing.

In the case of the SFS, verifiable documentation, from satellite photos to personal reports, were already circulating widely around the world on the PlaNet by the summer of 2020. And this time, the world didn't have to figure out how to handle an unwanted load of refugees. To stop the slaughter, if that were the intent, the world simply had to figure out how to help the MRCD bring the war to a successful conclusion.

Pressure from people of good will around the world to do some thing about the Hagueite horror built very rapidly. It led to the imposition of the first economic sanctions on the NAR by the USE and the EAC in the fall of 2020. Just as economic sanctions had eventually played a positive role in bringing down South African Apartheid in the late 20th century, so too did they play such a role in bringing down American Apartheid, happily in a much shorter period of time, in the early 21st.

As the tide of history finally began to turn on Right-Wing Reaction in America, observers began to take note of that fact. Curley Oakwood, for one, did not much like what was going on.

A Curley Oakwood Radio Broadcast Transcript (Wednesday, April 1, 2020)

My friends, my friends, my friends. And you are all my friends, because I am one of the friendliest guys you will ever want to meet, and if you've already met me you already know that, and if you have n't, then anyone who has will tell you that you are in for a treat of the friendliest friendliness you can find anywhere. No foolin'.

Yes I have to tell you in all honesty, in all seriousness, that it is a treat to be me, and that's no foolin' either. And it's a treat to be White, and Christian, and live in God's White Republic of the New American Republics. For whatever anyone may tell you, and there are some naysayers out there, there are some doomsday prophets out there, and that's not God's Final Judgment I'm talking about, I'm not talking about that Glorious Day of Redemption which is yet to come, but about those doomsayers of the here and right now, of those treacherous, dis-loyal bums who would sell our wonderful country so short they couldn't see over the top of a blade of grass, about those nattering nabobs of negativism, as the blessed Bill Safire called them so many moons ago, whatever anyone may tell you, the White Republic and the whole of the NAR are at the top of their game right now.

There may be a few shortages here and there, and you may hear a bit of gunfire now and then, and your sons may be a bit more caught up in the military game than you'd like them to be, but this is it, life is good. The liberals are gone, the niggers are gone, the Skins are gone, the spics are going, and the slopes, well you just pay them no never mind. The liberalniggerlovers in Congress are in their place. They can't touch you. And, and, and-- we are final ly doing to the queers what we should have done to them long ago: get rid of them, get them out of our hair, out of schools, out of our way.

With our military, our HM, and our Independent Militias, let's not forget them, rolling the way they are, President Jeff is soon going to have everything under control. And we will be right back to where we oughta be. So be happy folks. You should be.

And if you aren't, I can tell you on very good authority-- mine-- that you have only yourself to blame. No foolin'. And by the way, if you do come across a nattering nabob of negativism, even if it's a friend or family member, do, as a loyal White American Christian, mention it to your local HM patrol, won't you? No foolin'.

A Connie Conroy Note (Wednesday, April 15, 2020)

Usta was they collected taxes on this day. That was before the glorious 31st [Amendment]. Now they collect them year-round [5]. God what I am saying? I better make sure the HM never sees this, or it's off to a camp even for me.

And speaking about off to a camp, this latest move by the Prez is kicking up quite a ruckus among his "Gay Team-mates," in and out of government. Some of those HM units are taking their job quite seriously. The Prez has told me to see to it that we work out some kind of system to protect our favorite gay guys and gals before they get picked up and some one has to intervene at the last moment. Getting a "friend" off one of those trucks once they're on has proved pretty difficult, I can tell you. And once they're through that gate, forget it!

So we have to work something out. Queer is queer, but when they work for us, when they follow good Christian principles, when they are Whiter than White, ah well, that's some thing else again. We can do it. I know we can. [6]

A Parthenon Pomeroy Diary Entry, Saturday, July 11, 2020

I wonder what's going on. Things are supposed to be getting better, but now they seem to be getting worse. I don't want to be disloyal and the President assures us there's nothing to worry about it, and with the RBE, as he calls it, the economy's going to turn the corner any day now.

And we did do it. We got rid of the niggers, and we're getting rid of the spics, and they tell me that out west the 'skins are gone too, but who cares about them anyway. I know we worked hard. We've saved our country, our freedom, our American way of life. We cut taxes to the bone. We got God back in the schools. We've saved the unborn. We ended handouts to those with their hand out all the time. We got that liberalniggerloving Congress out of the way. We put that goddamned Supreme Court in its place. Those back-stabbing liberal media are gone. We put Christ in His rightful place too, above us all.

And it's still not quite right. I know I'd better keep these thoughts to myself, or the HM will send me off to the camps too, just like they did Tony down the street for complaining at the local after he got drunk. Even with both my boys in uniform, I've got to worry about that. Well maybe President Jeff is right. Maybe once we get rid of all the queers, everything will be alright. I sure hope the President is right on that one.

But anyway, thanks, God, for blessing us with the New American Republics! And thanks Pat, too.

An Alex Poughton Letter

September 17, 2020

Dear Karl,

Just a quick note on something that strikes me as real funny. I know you've been hearing about this huge scandal here, the extermination camp out in California (that's not the funny thing-- read on). I think the bastards are actually going to be forced to close it down soon. International pressure is actually accomplishing some thing!

So they're already desperately casting around for new stereo types to use to label the "enemy" (increasingly their own people!) One of the funniest ones I've come across is "Connie," the word they're using to describe the other side, you know, the "Constitutionalists." It's too bad for the Hagueites, but those "dirty words" to describe their enemies that the Right has loved to use for so long, like "liberal" or even "liberalniggerlover" have little meaning to most whites in the NAR now.

So they've come up with this new one, that, get this, rhymes with "Commie!" Ouch! Well you know, most people are kind of hazy on the time when there were Communist governments in the world and good old anti"'communism was the staple of American foreign and do mestic policy. But there is this sort of instinctive collective memory that some how Commies are bad people. Well, "Connie" rhymes with "Commie," Commies were always bad, and so are the Constitutionalists, and so on and so forth. You know, even the propaganda machine of this God"'forsaken "Christian Nation" is running down.

Will write more soon, All the best, Alex



CAST: Citizens for an Alternative Tax System, "A National Retail Sales Tax," Manassas, VA: 1995.

Cohen, A., "Back on the Chain Gang," Time, May 15, 1995, p. 26.

Davidowicz, L.S., The War Against the Jews: 1933-45, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1975.

Hill, P.J., "Defensive Action," Pensacola, FL: P.O. Box 2243, c. 1994.

Joplin, S., The Second Civil War: From Start to Finish, Six Vols., Cam bridge, MA: The All"'Ivy

University Press, 2046.

Peters, P.J., The Death Penalty for Homosexuals, LaPorte, CO: Scrip tures for America, 1992.

Porteous, S., "Robertson on God's Love," Freedom Writer, December, 1995, p. 8.

P.L. (Public Law) 97"'280, Joint Resolution: Authorizing and Request ing the President to proclaim

1983 as the "Year of the Bible", Washington, DC: U.S. Congress, October 4, 1982.

Purdy, M., "A State Tries to Rein In a Prison Awash in Drugs," New York Times, October 30, 1995.

Shirer, W.L., The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1960.

Wouk, H., War and Remembrance, Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company, 1978.


Author's Notes:

[1] As noted in the previous chapter, the recently published six volume history of the Second Civil War by Joplin (2046) covers in great and very well"'done detail all of the events that we are able to only touch lightly upon here, and many others as well, of course.

[2] The East Asian Confederation consisted of Japan, Korea, China (including the formerly independent territory of Taiwan), the Philip pines, the Federal Re public of Indo"'China, Thailand, and Malaysia.

[3] There is no indication or evidence that the Rev. Pat Robertson, New ton Gingrich, P.J. Hill, Pastor Peter J. Peters, or any oth er historical personage or organization mentioned or alluded to in this chapter or elsewhere in this book in a similar manner, would have supported or approved in any way of "The Second Final Solution," or any of the institutions, events, laws, policies, or procedures created or carried out in planning it or pursuant to it by the NAR, as mentioned, discussed, described, or alluded to anywhere in this chapter or subsequent ones.

[4] The German Nazi Minister of Propaganda, Josef Goebbels, was one of the three most powerful men in Nazi Germany after Hitler (the other two were Hermann Goering and Heinrich Himmler). He was the man who would have run the publicity campaign, if there had been one, promoting the Final Solution as the only solution. H once said (Davidowicz, p. 139): "Beginning with Lublin, the Jews in the General gouvernement [Nazi occupied Poland] are now being evacuated eastward. The procedure is a pretty barbaric one and not to be described here more definitively. Not much will remain of the Jews." In all respects, the Nazi policy was kept secret, as quiet as possible.

[5] The national sales tax (NST) (CAST) that had been substituted for the income tax was, of course, collected every time one made a purchase. But not only, like all sales taxes, was the NST regressive. Repression is expensive and the demise of national domestic programs such as welfare, such as it had been in the Transition Era, saved very little money. Thus to raise its needed funds, and unable to tax in comes either personal or corporate, the regime had steadily raised the NST until it now stood at 30%.

[6] The German Nazis under Hitler had an official anti"'homosexual policy. Known homosexuals were forced to wear a pink triangle patch on their outer clothing, as Jews were forced to wear a patch with a black Star of David on a yellow field. Known homosexuals were among the first per sons to be rounded up and sent to early concentration camps inside Germany. Yet there were numbers of known homosexuals who held high rank in the Nazi Party. It was rumored that Hermann Goering, Commander of the Luftwaffe (Air Force) and designated successor to Hitler, was among them. This too was the case in the NAR, and before it in the American Christian Nation Party, the Republican-Christian Alliance, and the old Republican Party. Thus some few homosexuals allied themselves with the most reactionary elements of their time, elements that would discriminate against them and worse (as it later came to be), because of-- what? Self"'hate? The desire to be accepted by those perceived to hold the power? Schizophrenic splitting? A true belief in the oppressive Right-Wing Reactionary economic theories. Or --- what? (Contin.) Whatever the reason, throughout history, in more than one country, both open and completely closeted homosexuals have served the interests of virulently homophobic Right-Wing Reactionary interests very well.

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Steven Jonas, MD, MPH, MS is a Professor Emeritus of Preventive Medicine at StonyBrookMedicine (NY). As well as having been a regular political columnist on several national websites for over 20 years, he is the author/co-author/editor/co-editor of 37 books Currently, on the columns side, in addition to his position on OpEdNews as a Trusted Author, he is a regular contributor to From The G-Man.  In the past he has been a contributor to, among other publications, The Greanville PostThe Planetary Movement, and Buzzflash.com.  He was also a triathlete for 37 seasons, doing over 250 multi-sport races.  Among his 37 books (from the late 1970s, mainly in the health, sports, and health care organization fields) are, on politics: The 15% Solution: How the Republican Religious Right Took Control of the U.S., 1981-2022; A Futuristic Novel (originally published 1996; the 3rd version was published by Trepper & Katz Impact Books, Punto Press Publishing, 2013, Brewster, NY, sadly beginning to come true, advertised on OpEdNews and available on  (more...)

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