Curtis' legal complaint alleges that Kosmas' campaign staffers have been contacting Democratic primary election voters and fraudulently identifying themselves as calling on behalf of the Florida Democratic Party. The callers then go on to solicit votes for Kosmas in the Aug. 26 Democratic primary.
Curtis claims his primary opponent's recent actions are "intentional misrepresentation and perpetration of fraud."-
The official paperwork "" signed, notarized and submitted in triplicate "" was mailed to the Federal Elections Commission in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday afternoon, Aug. 6.
The Curtis campaign plans to contact voters to let them know about the fraudulent calls. Voters who receive such calls are asked to contact the campaign at
Curtis' complaint states that:
* Kosmas and her committee knowingly misled the democratic primary election voters as to the origination of her telephonic communications and utilized state Democratic Party offices and telephone equipment for her federal campaign.
* The Kosmas campaign claimed the state offices, which are leased by the Florida State Democratic Party, as her campaign offices in public communications with Democratic voters.
* She knowingly led the voters to believe that the communication asking for support in the primary was from the Florida Democratic Party when in fact it was from paid staffers.
The unlawful calls continued even after the Kosmas campaign was notified of the problem. "Her campaign was given the opportunity to rectify the violations prior to the submission of FEC charges,"- Curtis said, "but apparently chose not to. If we can't trust her to honestly represent herself correctly on the telephone, can we trust her to represent the citizens of the district in Congress?"-
Curtis states that, "The Democratic Party does not make endorsements in the primary. Our party is not a handful of elitists, but rather a party of the people. We determine our candidates in our primaries. What has occurred is just another case of a political millionaire acting as if she is above the law and has no problem in attempting to deceive voters."-
The violations took place in multiple locations throughout District 24, including offices in New Smyrna Beach, Oviedo and Titusville.
Curtis is facing Kosmas in the Aug. 26 Democratic primary. The winner will go up against the winner of the Republican primary and Independent candidate Gaurav "Garv"- Bhola this November.