"Concerned that Trump is continuing and expanding all of Obama's most evil policies, which were just a continuation and expansion of Bush's most evil policies? Don't think about that; let's make fun of his hair." --Caitlin Johnstone, 'Every Late Night Talk Show Is A Sleazy Plutocratic Rim Job', May 12, 2017
"By now it is an established fact that Russian military officers hacked DNC servers to help get Donald Trump elected." --Stephen Colbert, Friday, July 20, 2018
Comedians can get away with damned near everything. No matter where they wander philosophically, politically, culturally, they always have an out. Unless there's something incriminating like sexual harassment or murder in broad daylight, they're essentially bulletproof: "Hey, it's comedy. It's all just having fun. Anything for a laugh."
But Stephen Colbert has become another animal altogether. The introductory monologue has more or less obligatory for nighttime talk show hosts since the middle of the last Century. In Colbert's tenure, the monologue has long since morphed into what is arguably the Democratic Party's most powerful and persuasive voice -- and, conversely, one of loudest and most effective anti-Trump forces on daily TV. Ever since the 2016 election, Colbert's monologues have consisted of essentially nothing other than laser-like Trump bashing and a relentless pushing of "Russiagate", along with occasional reminders of "pee pee tapes". Woven into the mash are mock-emotional reminders -- even to the extreme of his assuming fetal position on the floor -- of the glorious past of the Obama years and of the wonderful world we could have had if only we had chosen Hillary Clinton.
If you look back over the years, Colbert has done everything his position affords to advance the interests of President Obama, both during and after his Administration, (here , here and all over the Internet). Likewise Michelle Obama (e.g., here, here ), likewise the Clintons (both, e.g., here , here ), and the Democratic Party itself. And God forbid anyone would see fit to Walk Away from the terminally corrupt Democratic Party, because, you know, it all has to be dumped at the doorstep of the Russians, carefully portrayed as evildoers perfect for framing. And people eat it up; He's the king of Late Night!
For a zoologist whose life has been built around environmental issues, Trump is an unmitigated disaster set on a path that may cause permanent damage to our home planet, and he's a daily embarrassment on the world stage to boot. But the Democratic Party is itself rotten to its money-drenched core, and the Clintons have been absolutely central in the Party's rebuffing of the working class and for its plunge into the abyss of corporate riches. Barrack Obama, for all his charisma and oratory, followed the Clinton's course to a "T".
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