Want the good news or the bad news first? Ok, let's start with the bad news:
The war against Covid-19 is beginning to remind me of the war in Vietnam and anti-communism. That may seem like a weird comparison, but hear me out. Those of you old enough to remember the 1960s might be able to relate. I was a child in the '50s but we've all heard about McCarthyism, and witnessed the fanatical anti-communism of our parents. They were basically willing to sacrifice our lives, by sending us to kill poor peasants in far-off Vietnam, due to their anti-communist brainwashing, and fear of the imaginary "domino effect". I describe it as hating communism more than they loved their children. No wonder so many young people ran away from home and joined communes, or became hippies in San Francisco, or band groupies traveling from show to show. Our parents were insane and wanted to kill us. Now you understand the generation gap.
Likewise, parents now are sacrificing their children to experimental anti-virus inoculations, despite there being almost no deadly cases of Covid among children under the age of 20. The Pfizer injection is approved down to age 5 and is even being promoted for babies 6 months old. Once again, it is an imaginary fear that drives them to sacrifice their children to a government and corporate agenda, in this case a dangerous, untested genetic experiment, in complete contradiction to the Nuremburg principles and our human rights. The problem with "Never Again" is that it keeps happening over and over, because humans frequently go into states of mass psychosis and lose their minds.
The older generation rabidly supported the Vietnam War right up until Walter Cronkite went there in 1968 and said we were losing. That still didn't stop public support until the draft lottery was put into place December 1, 1969. Then it took four more years until 1973 to end the draft, and two more years after that until 1975 to end the war, with the infamous scene of helicopters rising off the roof of the Saigon embassy. No one cared while poor people were getting killed, as wealthier and more educated kids could get a college or fake medical deferment (like bone spurs). When the lottery was instituted, then middle- and upper-middle-class kids started coming home in boxes, and when the boxes started piling up, then the parents started changing their minds and the war ended.
In both cases there is a boogie-man or hobgoblin as Mencken would say. In Vietnam it was the "international communist conspiracy", that was satirized in Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove, by the insane General who was losing his "precious bodily fluids" presumably to the commies. In the case of Covid-19 it is a coronavirus with a median infection-fatality rate of .27%, only slightly higher than the seasonal flu. Somehow this has been transformed into a deadly pandemic that requires drastic measures that we all know about, injection mandates in particular. So the first commonality is a subject of abject terror, either communism or a virus that is going to get you.
The second commonality is the attempt to wipe it off the face of the earth and get to "zero covid" in the case of the virus, or "destroy the communist gooks" in the case of Vietnam. We project our fear into destruction of the other.
The third similarity is the polarization of society into two opposing groups. In the case of Vietnam the anti-war protesters were called traitors, commie lovers, Vietcong sympathizers, scum of the earth, and other epithets. Hippies and other anti-war protesters were often abused and beaten by police and even by ordinary working-class hawks. The fake story about returning war veterans being spit on happened instead to anti-war protesters.
In the case of Covid-19 the anti-injection protesters are called self-centered narcissists, "domestic terrorists", and enemies of the public, who are putting everyone else at risk due to their opposition to injection mandates. Globally, especially in Victoria, Australia, there are many videos of police beating, punching, kicking, stomping, and even shooting at anti-injection protesters asserting their human right not to be given an experimental medical treatment without their consent. Ironically, the liberal protesters and the conservative war hawks of the '60s have now reversed roles! Bizarre isn't it? The conservatives are now the protestors, and the liberals are the fascist enforcers of the corporate Pharma state.
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