When I learnt last July that Kansas was going full-speed with school openings, I talked with teachers from across the state. As of August 26, Kansas already had the 6th highest rate in the country. Now, as of October 8, Kansas is number one in the nation for the highest testing-positive rate.
Several teachers whom I talked to late August in Kansas had predicted that by the first week of October most schools would be either closed or back on distance learning.
Instead, in recent weeks my Kansas teaching cohorts have been surprised to report again and again that they are still in the classroom.
Some NEA reps in Kansas have noted that school administrators and other-powers-that-be in the Sunflower State are not sharing very accurate numbers.
Likewise around the state, counties and some state or city officials have either covered up (not shared in any detail) or have fudged real numbers--all in order to keep schools open till now.
Other teachers from Western Kansas share that the CDC guidelines are simply not being followed in some of their schools.
They note that some schools have stopped taking temperature checks for students entering the building. Officials or administrators claim that taking temperatures is useless to do upon entry as some students are taking medicines to reduce fever before entering. (What a ridiculous-a-reason to ignore CDC guidelines!!!!!)
In several schools, well over 10 teachers and counselors have already been infected with Covid. Many students are being sent home, etc. However, these schools are kept running.
I know Kansas (like Missouri where I live) is a red-state that voted for Trump big-time in 2016, but why is the GOP doubling down on both infecting fellow Kansans and on even killing off some Kansas voters at an increasing rate--right before an election? They are like the many faithful of Jim Jones drinking the Trump kool-aid.
That's right. As of now, on an almost daily basis, Kansas has been setting new hospitalization records, and this is overwhelming a state that has faced the closure of so many hospitals since the Tea Party took over in 2010.
In summary, it is clear that there is a relationship between kids and youth going back to face-to-face school and the continued increase in Covid-19 cases since the end of August.
In the meantime, some Kansas schools, like in Wichita, are actually just beginning to return to school this month--whereby delays due to safety issues had kept them closed till October.
What's the matter with Kansas?
Why not protect your teachers and other essential workers? Stop stoking Covid-cases in the vain hope that Trump will save you come November!
Don't make others drink the Trump Kool-aid!