Enough's enough, Supremes -- slap down judges' delusions of grandeur
It is a dangerous game the folks on the right are playing today with the very fabric of what has kept and actually made this country great. The gamble they are making is that they can eviscerate the Constitution and simply revive it years later when they no longer have the reigns of power. Their gamble is that the Democrats will never play by the rules they play by. Maybe they are right about that in the long run but it is still a dangerous game to play. Every single day we see things that are blatantly unconstitutional and horrific from the tradition of who we were as a country for hundreds of years. Countries that have long been our friends are now issuing travel warnings to their citizens. Not in case they visit war torn countries or evil authoritarian regimes that might snatch them up - but the United States of America. Republicans do not bat an eyelash. They are so feckless because of the fear of a primary that they are willing to go along with anything King Trump wants. Pretend Ukraine invaded Russia? Sure, no problem. Pretend it is normal for someone with billions of dollars in government contracts is deciding what agencies to destroy, absolutely cool. The latest absurdity that cuts directly at the heart of this nation is the compliance with eradicating the judiciary, which is the last bulwark against an imperial presidency now that Congress has abdicated their role. The above linked article perfectly displays the depths they are will to sink to protect their king. Make no mistake about it, Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York. She is not an idiot. She knows full well that what she writes here is absurd. She just cares more about personal power than about this country. As does the New York Post. So, let's review this article to sift through the disinformation and whataboutisms that makes up the current Republican Party.
"Who should have more power: the president of the United States, or a federal district judge -- one of nearly 700 -- in a courthouse anywhere in the nation? The answer is obvious, and pure common sense. The president is elected by millions, empowered by the US Constitution to ensure "the laws be faithfully executed," conduct foreign policy and command the nation's armed forces. Most district court judges get there because they know somebody who knows somebody in the president's party." - NY Post
The fundamental underpinning of our entire republic is the separation of powers. It is literally, along with the rule of law, what has made this country great and thus did not need to be made great again. So, the answer to this question, which McCaughey knows full well, is neither is supposed to have more power. It is interesting that she gives up the game so quickly. This is solely about power. The president wanted to do something and the judiciary said no. It is not common sense to think that the president should have more power than the judiciary. In fact, it is unamerican. The right continues to try and pretend that because the president is elected, and the judiciary are appointed by people who are elected, that they mean less. Except that is absurd. It is true that the president needs to ensure the laws are faithfully executed but it is the judiciary's role to decide if those laws are actually legal. This prevents what is now occurring. When a president goes rogue and just starts doing whatever he wants with no oversight or correction. Make no mistake. This smearing of the judiciary to make it sound like they only got their jobs because of someone they know, is the same tactic they used to destroy DEI. The underlying assumption of course is stupid. The question at hand here is the rounding up of hundreds of people and shipping them off to an El Salvador prison without due process. The literal ghosting of people is not "foreign policy." It is illegal and dangerous, especially now that we know that many of these people never actually did anything wrong. Imagine if you honestly came to this country seeking asylum because of atrocities in your home country and while you are preparing for your day in court to decide your claim you are whisked away in the middle of the night by jack booted thugs and flown to a different country than the one you are from, and thrown into a notoriously evil prison system. Is that who we have been for two hundred plus years?
"Their role on the bench is generally limited to deciding the case before them based on existing law. Yet across the country, highly partisan district judges are using legal ploys to bulldoze Trump, stymie his agenda -- and set national, even international, policy. In dozens of cases since Jan. 20, federal district judges -- the lowest on the ladder -- have issued nationwide injunctions halting Trump's suspension of foreign aid, his deportation of Tren de Aragua and MS-13 gang members, his layoffs and spending cuts in federal departments and agencies, his prohibitions on discriminatory diversity programs in higher education and government hiring, and more." - NY Post
Checks and balances are not legal ploys. Never lose sight that what they are arguing is for unchecked power. The suspension of foreign aid cut off money that had already been appropriated by Congress. Remember that faithfully execute thing? It is congress that gets to decide what needs to be faithfully executed, not the president. The problem with the deportations is far more sinister and disturbing. Even if some of these people were actually part of this gang, doesn't the administration have to prove that first? Their answer to everything is just trust us and the reality is that have not earned that trust. It may seem like it doesn't matter to you but it will when they come for you with no due process. As for the chain saw cuts to the federal workforce, they violated the laws governing such employees. Again, with all of these issues it is not that they can never do what they want. It is just that they need to do it within the confines of our system. You want to remove funding - go to Congress! You want to deport people you think are gang members, prove that they are and get a legally binding deportation order. Your opinion that DEI programs is "discriminatory" to white people is just your opinion.
"On Tuesday, US District Judge Ana Reyes in Washington, DC, issued a nationwide injunction barring the Pentagon from enforcing Trump's Jan. 27 executive order excluding transgender individuals from the military. Reyes said she foresees a "heated public debate" and appeals.
But Emperor Reyes is taking it upon herself to decide the issue for the entire nation, in defiance of the commander-in-chief who actually heads the military -- before any evidence is heard.
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