My entire adult life we've had people in the White House that had no problem in sacrificing other people's children to glorify their own presidency.
George W Bush and Richard Cheney are war criminals and Speaker Pelosi said impeachment was off the table despite other people's children that are still dying in that deliberate quagmire to aggrandize the Military industrial complex.
Every elected Republican president in my adult lifetime sacrificed other people's children to protect their presidency, not in defense of our country or democracy anywhere.
Millionaire and Billionaire presidents in the 21st century have used other people's children as cannon fodder to protect the lifestyle they've become accustomed
Donald Trump of all the nefarious Republican Presidents in my lifetime I think will make glass of the sand in the Arabian Peninsula and kill unknown millions.
Trump's known treason against our union is problematic but my reasoned fear of this sociopath in the white house making America the only country in the history of man to exterminate civilian populations with nuclear weapons for the third time is frightening.
Black people are already being disrespected by my Democrats not impeaching the racist in the White House. We have survived everything this unapologetic racist, sexist and xenophobic nation has thrown at us, but my nightmares are that the soulless beast in the White House may end the breath of man to impress his own selfish ego.