Who needs Democrats and Republicans when we've got Obama plotting with the Gang of Six?
"Hey, someone's got to pay for these wars! Someone's got to pay for the trillions that 'saved' the 'too-big-to-fail' banksters and financed their record bonuses. Someone's got to make-up for the Bush tax 'relief' for the wealthy."
Now guess who that's going to be? It's you my friend, and the older you get the harder it gets. Obama has put Social Security and Medicare on the table for the Gang of Six, and they're going to have a banquet. Then he will insult our intelligence by telling us it's the necessary sacrifice to the best interests of the nation, future generations, keeping America strong, and perhaps some more of the Hopey-Changey stuff.
But there is some good news. And that is finally the realization that there is now sufficient evidence, thanks to this Gang and its forked-tongue Leader, that there IS NO LONGER A DEMOCRATIC PARTY.
What's that? A question? Well, yes, there is a plastic artifact that could be labeled the Democrat Party, but no democratic party, i.e. no large national political group representing the best interests of the people.
But it appears We The People will need a replacement representation if we're to avoid revolution as the only means to counter the voraciously self-serving Republicrats, or should that be Demopublicans (?)
Whatever we might call them, they have assembled an adversarial charade, with the reality being such as the Gang of Six and its unilateral instructions to submissive congressfolk, for the most part who differ only in their lapel buttons, other than some occasional P.R. bombast via the complicit media to their beguiled partisan supporters..
Dare I mention a third party in face of the lamentably all too popular persuasion that "third parties always fail"? Actually, what I have in mind is not a THIRD party, but the ONLY party that will represent the best interests of all Americans, such as does not exist today.
Will it be difficult? Bet on it! How really necessary is it? Well, how much longer do you think our ten-years of war should continue, and who will the successive targets be? How much more infringement of our Bill of Rights can you stomach? How much more desecration can you digest of FDR's legacy that the national economy must serve the interests of the people, not just very rich people?
There is no ulterior motive here. No names for your consideration. No party label. And not much of an agenda -- except that the current major parties have together supported the treachery of endless war, have trashed our Bill of Rights, and have embezzled the people's treasure to benefit their insatiable sponsors.
What is here is a call for awareness. This is a plea for the First Law of Navigation: Know your position. And it doesn't get easier with the next step: Chart your course. Ah yes, and make certain you select captains of intelligence, courage and goodwill. And need we add: honesty.
Let's get started!