I grew up believing that Americans loved this country above all prejudices. Since the election of a black President millions of Americans have proven contrary to that notion and have totally disproved my theories of love of country above all things.
I think black people are at the end of 21st-century history if we continue our silence about the coordinated criminal (RICO) attempt to hold on to white privilege by the republican minions and the fifty or so organizations that came into being in the early 1970s. Those organizations facilitate the kind of hatred that is necessary to maintain and make palatable the criminal hatred of black evolvement in a system and society born of resentment and resistance to inclusion.
We should petition the court to dissolve the Republican Party for its criminal, profitable, RICO violations of our rights and to levy all assets of the 50 or so organizations that exist to service the southern strategy for benefit of those whose greed has found ways after slavery to use the dehumanization of black life for obscene profits.
Law that has the effect of disenfranchisement of millions of legal voting citizens should not be based on falsehoods for profit. I want our day in court to ask the federal court for injunctive relief and ask A.L.E.C, The Republicans Governors Association and the RNC to prove that there is massive voter fraud in this country that justifies new voter ID laws or prove that their coordinated efforts or not a massive flagrant RICO violation and violation of our constitutional protections as citizens of this republic.
I want to ask the court for a cease-and-desist order on all voter-ID laws that have been implemented since 2010 until such time the complainant has reasonable time for full discovery if a massive coordinated violation of federal law has been committed against several protected classes.
The trillions of dollars in stolen assets in land and the revocation of black life and liberty by those who used racism as a tool should be vetted in our federal courts. In 2016 America has to take the blindfold and mask off and gaze into a mirror of reality and truth so black emancipation can start for the first time in American history.
It is also important to note that the high court should be named as co-conspirators in an organized criminal conspiracy against our peoples. I think that members of the high court sat in on Koch organization meetings when the strategy to go after voting rights was discussed.
I have spent the last few years looking at all the bread crumbs these arrogant racist bastards have left over the last 45 years. It's our time, this may sound too simple but I think this nation and its racist organizations have been so arrogantly racist they are vulnerable.