One of the most blindly
accepted and rarely thought through very carefully claims of modern
science is, that species "evolve" from other species. This
concept is indoctrinated into the impressionable minds of modern
students from elementary school forward. But, is this in fact really
What appears to be actually true, based on the modern
evidence, is that all of life is constantly adapting and changing in
reaction to an ever-changing universal environment. This is more
fairly and accurately described as "life in transition" rather
than evolution.
While all of life continues to adapt and
change, human beings have invented a system that artificially divides
life up into categories like "species", "genus", "family"
and so on. Such artificial divisions obviously have no bearing on
how life either happens to exist or functions in true universal
If someone creates an apple pie and then, someone else slices the pie into twelve pieces, it isn't true that one of the pieces gave rise to one of the other pieces. Rather, someone created the whole pie and then, someone else arbitrarily divided it into pieces. Individual pieces of the pie have no relevance to how the pie either came to be or functions.
Even if individual pieces of the pie were observed to be constantly adapting and changing, such changes would be due to the nature of how the entire pie was created, rather than being caused by specific individual pieces. If the pie was instead divided into six or four pieces or, if the pie was left uncut, it would still have come into existence in the same way and, it would still function in the same way.
This is also true of the whole pie of life. Whether we call all birds simply a "bird" or divide birds up into many species, this doesn't change how birds either came to be or function within true universal reality. Human interpretations, invented names and artificial divisions of life do not and cannot rationally dictate how life either came to be or functions.
Based on the modern evidence, it is fair to conclude that all of life is created to adapt and change within constantly changing universal environments, so that life itself can survive. This is what the known evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates when human prejudice is stripped away.
Do species really evolve from other species? Or, is modern science just pulling our chain, denying the overwhelming evidence of Who is behind the DNA chain of life and larger universal reality? You decide.