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Richard Aberdeen

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Richard Aberdeen is a Nashville, Tennessee based author and songwriter and owner of Freedom Tracks Records, a multi-genre independent record label focusing on political and social issues, where the music is always free.


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Does Life Exist Beyond Our Solar System, From ImagesAttr
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, October 12, 2014
Does Life Exist Beyond Our Solar System? Would beings more intelligent than ourselves necessarily have any concept of science and education? Would they wear clothing or need to build structures for protection in a perhaps far less hostile environment? In a world without living beings eating each other, without war and other oppression or struggle for food, shelter and protection, would there be any such thing as "survival of the fittest"?
Series: FIXING AMERICA IN 500 WORDS OR LESS (23 Articles, 44499 views)
Do Species Evolve from Other Species, From ImagesAttr
(38 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Do Species Evolve from Other Species? One of the most blindly accepted and rarely thought through very carefully claims of modern science is, that species "evolve" from other species. This concept is indoctrinated into the impressionable minds of modern students from elementary school forward. But, is this in fact really true?
Series: FIXING AMERICA IN 500 WORDS OR LESS (23 Articles, 44499 views)
Is Richard Dawkins Really a Scientist?, From ImagesAttr
(85 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Is Richard Dawkins Really a Scientist? Atheists often erroneously claim that atheism is the default position. The true default position of science is that there is a physical reality called "universe". The default question of science then becomes, how and why is there a physical reality called "universe". Even Richard Dawkins agrees with this, stating that the "God question" is "central to all of science". Atheists don't get a pass any more than the rest of us.
Series: FIXING AMERICA IN 500 WORDS OR LESS (23 Articles, 44499 views)
Is Mainstream Media Even a Little Bit Legit?, From ImagesAttr
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, August 7, 2014
Is Mainstream Media Even a Little Bit Legit? American mainstream media habitually fails to address issues in a legitimate manner that could actually help achieve legitimate reform. Instead, we are treated to a giant merry-go-round shell game of opposing pundit charades; both "sides" whining about and belittling the other, with neither offering any coherent plan for actually achieving reform.
Series: FIXING AMERICA IN 500 WORDS OR LESS (23 Articles, 44499 views)
Should We Put Our Swords Away?, From ImagesAttr
(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, July 31, 2014
Should We Put Our Swords Away? Pacifism is more complex than it may appear. One form of pacifism is to never strike back, which was practiced personally by Martin Luther King, Jr. While King was giving a speech, a man jumped on stage and repeatedly punched him. King refused to strike back while instructing others surrounding the man to not harm him.
Series: FIXING AMERICA IN 500 WORDS OR LESS (23 Articles, 44499 views)
(304 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Is Atheism Scientific? Those saying there is no God or might be no God, are trying to sell the rest of us the greatest of all known human superstitions, that the universe either did or could have magically randomly appeared. Such positions, however far-fetched, require supporting evidence within a legitimate scientific discussion, the same as any other position.
Series: FIXING AMERICA IN 500 WORDS OR LESS (23 Articles, 44499 views)
Where is the Great American Dream?, From ImagesAttr
(12 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Where is the Great American Dream? Today two wage-earners often need to work two and more jobs in order to afford what most working Americans not long ago took for granted. The gap between the wealthy and the poor continues to grow, and the American middle class is fast disappearing. Is this due to the cost of foreign wars, taxing the wealthy less and less, deregulation of Wall Street, open bribery of our so-called 'representatives', or all of this and more?
Series: FIXING AMERICA IN 500 WORDS OR LESS (23 Articles, 44499 views)
Is Obama Any Smarter Than Bush?, From ImagesAttr
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, May 25, 2014
Is Obama Any Smarter Than Bush? Many liberals were ecstatic when President Obama was elected? But have his policies really been an improvement over those of Bush?
Series: FIXING AMERICA IN 500 WORDS OR LESS (23 Articles, 44499 views)
How Appalling Can American City Leaders Be?, From ImagesAttr
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, May 7, 2014
How Appalling Can American City Leaders Be? Cities across the United States are callously and indifferently arresting American citizens for the 'crime' of being poor, even though national, state and local comparative statistical studies clearly demonstrate it is far less expensive for taxpayers to house the homeless than to not house them.
Series: FIXING AMERICA IN 500 WORDS OR LESS (23 Articles, 44499 views)
Can Charles Darwin be Trusted?, From ImagesAttr
(34 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, April 4, 2014
Can Charles Darwin be Trusted? In spite of what various modern 'scholars' claim, Charles Darwin, according to his own words, credited our Creator with being behind the universal reality and processes of life. According to Darwin himself, "One can be an ardent Theist and evolutionist."
Series: FIXING AMERICA IN 500 WORDS OR LESS (23 Articles, 44499 views)
Does the ACLU Really Support the 1st Amendment?, From ImagesAttr
(6 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, January 20, 2014
Does the ACLU Really Support the 1st Amendment? While conservatives continue to grossly misrepresent the 2nd Amendment, it is less obvious but likewise true, the liberals grossly misrepresent the 1st Amendment.
Series: FIXING AMERICA IN 500 WORDS OR LESS (23 Articles, 44499 views)
Can We Afford to House the Homeless?, From ImagesAttr
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, January 10, 2014
Can We Afford to House the Homeless? The State of Utah has discovered that it is less expensive for taxpayers to house the homeless than to not house the homeless. In fact, it is a lot less expensive.
Series: FIXING AMERICA IN 500 WORDS OR LESS (23 Articles, 44499 views)
Should We Boycott Walmart & Exxon/Mobile?, From ImagesAttr
(7 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, December 23, 2013
Should We Boycott Walmart & Exxon/Mobile? This article discusses the effectiveness of "target" boycotting, which could very much dramatically change the United States for the better in a peaceful way, without firing a shot.
Series: FIXING AMERICA IN 500 WORDS OR LESS (23 Articles, 44499 views)
Why Are There Homeless Veterans in America?, From ImagesAttr
(6 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, December 13, 2013
Why Are There Homeless Veterans in America? What manner of nation claims to be the greatest nation on earth and a beacon for freedom and democracy, while millions of her own citizens live in open squalor? Why are there homeless veterans in America? Why are there homeless seniors and children in America? Why is anyone homeless in America?
Series: FIXING AMERICA IN 500 WORDS OR LESS (23 Articles, 44499 views)
Can Congress Be Reformed? , From ImagesAttr
(6 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, December 8, 2013
Can Congress Be Reformed? Proposed Constitutional Amendment to rid our government of big-money influence. Our children's future has been sold down a no-strings-attached, golden-platter river of unprecedented gilded tax haven and bailout bonus bonanza. Experts say rather than being reformed, banks are behaving worse than ever, driving the world to the brink of far worse economic catastrophe.
Series: FIXING AMERICA IN 500 WORDS OR LESS (23 Articles, 44499 views)
Does Science Really Know What is True?, From ImagesAttr
(36 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Does Science Really Know What is True? What is called "science" from a fair historical view, represents a constant changing of even the most fundamental of concepts. How much does science really know about the universal reality we reside in?
Series: FIXING AMERICA IN 500 WORDS OR LESS (23 Articles, 44499 views)
Is There Really Life in the Future?, From ImagesAttr
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, November 18, 2013
Is There Really Life in the Future? Ever notice that the mainstream media never mentions the indisputable medical fact that pollution is very bad for people? Instead, it focuses a silly debate on whether global warming is caused by pollution, which is irrelevant to the established medical facts demonstrating, beyond all doubt, that pollution is extremely harmful for us, our children, and our children's children.
Series: FIXING AMERICA IN 500 WORDS OR LESS (23 Articles, 44499 views)
Does the NRA Really Support the 2nd Amendment?, From ImagesAttr
(14 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, November 15, 2013
Does the NRA Really Support the 2nd Amendment? Is the mainstream media really in cahoots with the NRA and gun manufactures? Ever notice how they draw an artificial line through the center of the 2nd Amendment, limiting it to private gun ownership, rather than the much larger issues of "Arms" that it actually addresses?
Series: FIXING AMERICA IN 500 WORDS OR LESS (23 Articles, 44499 views)
Are People Really Sheep?, From ImagesAttr
(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, November 11, 2013
Are People Really Sheep? Is there anyone among us who is truly an independent, non-conforming individual? Do we tend to imitate rather than initiate and otherwise, conform to the norm without even thinking twice or even realizing that we do?
Series: FIXING AMERICA IN 500 WORDS OR LESS (23 Articles, 44499 views)
What is the Real Right Wing Agenda?, From ImagesAttr
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, November 7, 2013
What is the Real Right Wing Agenda? Right-wing extremists are the first to wave flags and pretend how much they believe in the Constitution and yet, they constantly whine and complain we can't trust the government. Apparently, they were asleep at the wheel during civics class, when the rest of us learned we the people are the government.
Series: FIXING AMERICA IN 500 WORDS OR LESS (23 Articles, 44499 views)

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