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Documentary "Blowout" Follows Climate Cost of Oil Boom from Fracking to Exports

Dimitri Lascaris

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Republished from Dimitri Lascaris blog

'Blowout' Follows Climate Cost of Oil Boom from Fracking to Exports
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For the Real News Network, I spoke this week to Zach Toombs, the director of "Blowout", a new documentary about the global fracking industry.

Zach explains that 1.4 million Americans now live within 500 feet of active oil & gas production and that, in that zone, cancer risk is eight times higher than the EPA's accepted threshold for cancer risk:

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[Republished from Dimitri Lascaris blog] Dimitri Lascaris is a lawyer, journalist and activist. After graduating from the University of Toronto Faculty of Law in 1991, Dimitri began his legal career at the Wall Street law (more...)

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