At one point I believed that UFOs came from some distant planet, but, after much research, I've come to the determination that they are actually human made.
The following is their development timeline as far as I can tell. I welcome additional information and comments.
This is an open post, and will be modified as needed.
1923Thomas Townsend Brown, becomes a physics student of Dr. Paul Biefield at the California Institute for Advanced Studies (later renamed Cal Tech). He discovered that if you apply high voltages of direct current to two metal plates separated by a dielectric, it would reduce their weight by a small percentage. The higher the voltage, the lighter it became, until it became weightless and could even lift a small payload.
Electro-Gravitic propulsion (what UFOs use to fly) is patented by T. Townsend Brown - who had expanded work done by Nikola Tesla. This is called " The Biefield Brown Effect " or " Ion Wind ".
more on Tesla and T.Townsend Brown antigravity:
T.Townsend Brown submits proposal to the Pentagon for the development of a Mach 3 disc shaped electro-gravitic fighter craft. It is called 'PROJECT WINTERHAVEN'. This is a copy of that document:
The proposal is not accepted.
Germany decides to develop Brown's antigravity discs for it's Luftwaffe. Hitler can't admit that it is American technology so he claims that they had learned to harness 'Vril' - which he says is 'the mysterious energy of the Black Sun'. In reality, the 'Black Sun' is only occultspeak for the solar eclipse.
The Nazi's first attempt was called the 'RFZ', after which came several models of 'VRIL' saucers, followed by seven models which were named 'HAUNEBU' - the latest having machine guns mounted on top and a Panzer style tank turret on the bottom.
Here are some images:
Germany designs a 360 foot long cigar shaped 'mothership' to be a mobile lauch platform for the smaller discs. They call it the 'ANDROMEDA'.
At this same time, they are sending expeditions to Antarctica to attempt to set up an air base to attack the United States from the South Pole. This area they called 'NEUSCHWABENLAND'.
Under 'OPERATION PAPERCLIP', over 760 captured top Nazi scientists and physicists who created these discs, and from other fields such as rocketry and mind control are brought to Fort Bliss, at El Paso, Texas; and White Sands Proving Grounds near Alamogordo, New Mexico.
A UFO disc crashes near Roswell, New Mexico. I believe it was a test flight of a NAZI craft.
Another disc shaped craft crashes near Aztec, New Mexico.....or does it?
Lubbock Texas - by this time our pilots are becoming adept enough to fly groups of Haunebu in standard 'V' formation. This became known as the 'LUBBOCK LIGHTS'. Sightings went on for about two months. Lubbock is just East of Alamogordo and White Sands.
Rene' Couzinet shows off his new French 'aerodyne' which he calls 'RC360'
A Canadian company, A.V. Roe contracts with the U.S. military to produce disc shaped aircraft under PROJECT SILVERBUG.
NASA uses the PEPP AEROSHELL - which was balloon launched from Roswell, New Mexico to test parachutes for the Voyager Mars lander program. Oops!
Since 1962 MOLLER INTERNATIONAL has produced several types of VTOL craft, from disc shaped to the 'SKYCAR', which looks more like a Formula 1 race car.
John Searl tests his 'SEARL DISC' which uses his 'Searl effect'.
Astro Kinetics Corporation of Houson, Texas introduces it's ' DYNAFAN ' VTOL disc.
A few more photos from this file can be seen here about halfway down the page:
Here are some listings from the U.S. patent office:
Patented July 30, 1957: Constantin Lent, Saucer-shaped Aircraft, Pat.# 2,801, 058
Patented Mar. 11, 1960: John Sherwood, Vertical Lift Flying Machine, Pat.# 213, 529
Patented Dec. 11, 1962: Irwin Barr, Rotating Flying Machine, Pat.# 3, 067, 967
Patented June 7, 1960: Heinrich Flei????ner, Rotating Jet Aircraft with Lifting Disc, Pat.# 2, 939, 648
Patented Nov. 27, 1956: John C. Fischer Jr., Rotating Circular Aircraft , Pat.# 2, 772, 057
Patented March 10, 1959: Homer F. Streib, Circular Wing Aircraft with Tiltable Ducted Power Plant, Capable of Vertical and lateral Flight, Pat.# 2, 876, 965
Patented Sept. 10, 1963: Nathan C. Price, High Velocity High Altitude VTOL Aircraft, Pat.# 3, 103, 324
Patented March 10, 1964: JCM Frost, Circular Aircraft Populsion and Control, Pat.# 3, 124, 323
Patented Jan. 26, 1965: Donald Eral Ordway, Circular Aircraft, Pat.# Des. 200, 183 200, 183
Patented May 1, 1956: Leonor Zalles, Circular Aircraft, Pat.# Des. Des. 177, 564 177, 564
Patented Feb. 24, 1976: Paul S. Moller, Dixos, Calif. assignor to Discojet Corporation, Davis Calif., Flying Saucer Aircraft, Pat.# Des. 238, 938 usw. 238, 938, etc.
There are several reports of Lockheed making a two man anti-gravity fighter disc which was supposedly tested during Desert Storm in Iraq and called 'X-22A DARK STAR'. However, I haven't found any reliable sources to confirm that this craft exists.
Russian aviation company, 'EKIP' creates a saucer shaped ship. It has both passenger and cargo models
More recently, UFO sightings have mostly changed from disc shaped craft to triangle shaped.
These are reportedly built by Northrop Grumman, and they are the 'TR-3A BLACK MANTA' , [2] and the 'TR-3B ASTRA LOCUST'.
Even though the US government denies that this craft exists, the Czech army is well aware of it, and sees it as a very real threat.
A couple of years ago, I found a TR3B flight simulator program and did some test flying of the TR3B, but now, as you know if you clicked that last link, all links to that program download are dead.
This will give you an idea of what it was like:
Now begs the question:
Since there is ample evidence that several countries around the globe have been flying these 'UFOs' for roughly 75 years, why are they still TOP SECRET ?
The answer to that is ' PROJECT BLUEBEAM ' - the last ditch effort to install the New World Order global government if all else fails... utilizing the time proven method called 'THE HEGELIAN DIALECTIC' .
Listen to what Ronald Reagan had to say about this when he was president:
( don't stop it after the first United Nations speech insert.. it will continue with several more clips)
'The Report From Iron Mountain" in 1963 was the top secret findings of a study to find if peace was possible in a modern world... and if it was possible, was it desirable?
They decided that if we were to live without war, we'd need some 'alternatives to war' for social cohesiveness, economics and job creation, population level maintenance/reduction, political control, and other factors...
In SECTION 6: Substitutes for the Functions of War , under 'Political', we find:
"Credibility, in fact, lies at the heart of the problem of developing a political substitute for war. This is where the space-race proposals, in many ways so well suited as economic substitutes for war, fall short. The most ambitious and unrealistic space project cannot of itself generate a believable external menace. It has been hotly argued that such a menace would offer the "last, best hope of peace," etc., by uniting mankind against the danger of destruction by "creatures" from other planets or from outer space.
Experiments have been proposed to test the credibility of an out-of-our-world invasion threat; it is possible that a few of the more difficult-to-explain "flying saucer" incidents of recent years were in fact early experiments of this kind. If so, they could hardly have been judged encouraging.
We anticipate no difficulties in making a "need" for a giant super space program credible for economic purposes, even were there not ample precedent; extending it, for political purposes, to include features unfortunately associated with science fiction would obviously be a more dubious undertaking.
Nevertheless, an effective political substitute for war would require "alternate enemies," some of which might seem equally farfetched in the context of the current war system.
However unlikely some of the possible alternate enemies we have mentioned may seem, we must emphasize that one must be found, of credible quality and magnitude, if a transition to peace is ever to come about without social disintegration. It is more probable, in our judgment, that such a threat will have to be invented, rather than developed from unknown conditions."
Later, in "Sociological"
"When it comes to postulating a credible substitute for war capable of directing human behavior patterns in behalf of social organization, few options suggest themselves. Like its political function, the motivational function of war requires the existence of a genuinely menacing social enemy. The principal difference is that for purposes of motivating basic allegiance, as distinct from accepting political authority, the "alternate enemy" must imply a more immediate, tangible, and directly felt threat of destruction. It must justify the need for taking and paying a "blood price" in wide areas of human concern."
And then, in "Substitutes for the Functions of War: Models"....
"2. Political. a) An omnipresent, virtually omnipotent international police force. b) An established and recognized extraterrestrial menace. c) Massive global environmental pollution. d) Fictitious alternate enemies. "
Do you think that maybe Reagan got his ideas from this?
Here's some examples of how the Hegelian Dialectic works, how it's been implemented in the past, and how UFO's fit in with the 'fake alien menace' scenario which is planned: won't believe what they can do now...
Holograms in action:
..but but but... if there aren't alien piloted UFOs... what about crop circles?
This is their teaching manual:
Article on the profitabilty of making crop circles:
Interviews with Circlemakers:
Last, but not least, I urge you to see this video on William Cooper, author of 'Behold A Pale Horse':
Here's a challenge for you...
If you still believe in aliens and that they make crop circles..
Find one picture of a crop circle without plank marks, and I'll post it here and admit that aliens could possbly be involved.
Can you?
The best way I can see to counter the 'Fake Alien Menace' and Project Blue Beam plan is to make
sure the maximum percentage of the population is aware of reality. Please share this link:
See comments section below for additional information on electrogravitic propulsion...