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Emin Agalarov's remarks on Russia's victory over the United States in Syria

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Mona Al Rahman
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Emin Agalarov's remarks on Russia's victory over the United States in Syria

I just made an interview with Emin Agalarov, a pop star and a Russian businessman, a large part of which was posted on YouTube and Daily Mail. Due to some considerations, parts of the interview were censored by the editorial board of the Daily Mail, which you can read in the following:

In a part of the interview, I asked Emin about the withdrawal of US troops from Syria, and he answered:

I think the withdrawal of the US forces from Syria is in fact a victory for Putin, and the order of Trump to withdraw from Syria was in fact in line with the interests of Russia.

In your opinion, in the Syrian military battle between the superpowers, is Russia the winner?

Yes, Russia won the conflict in Syria, but I think here "military" is not the right word and instead we should use the word "security". The current situation is the result of a security battle between the two superpowers in the Middle East, and we should thank GRU for this victory rather than the Department of Defense, because GRU played a key role to pave the way for Trump to take the power, and GRU urged Trump to move based on Russia's interests in the battle of Damascus.

It's worth noting that Emin Agalarov is a Russian-American businessman who has had a long-standing friendship with Donald Trump and Trump has also featured in one of his videos. Some say that during the 2016 US election, he was the strongest link between the Russian security system and the Trump campaign, and, through Rob Goldstein in Trump Tower meeting, presented GRU's plans for supporting Trump to win the US presidential election to Trump's son.

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Mona Al Rahman is a political analyst and freelance journalist who covers the current political events around the globe. Mona is a postgraduate student in politics and her focus is particularly on Middle East and uncovering the truth behind the (more...)

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Emin Agalarov's remarks on Russia's victory over the United States in Syria

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