Eric Holder, Attorney General, the
head of the US Department of Justice is not doing his job. Oh, he goes to work every day, so far as I
know, but he has given the Wall Street banks, now far larger than prior to the
fall of 2008 when we saw the housing "bubble" burst, a fee pass on their involvement
in criminality.
William Black, a professor at the
University of Missouri, Kansas City, a lawyer and economist, has written and
spoken extensively and continuously on this topic. Mr. Black is eminently qualified to do so,
since he was the leader of the team of investigators and prosecutors who
pursued the crimes perpetrated during the massive Savings and Loan crisis of
the 1980's under the leadership of Bill Seidman, the onetime head of the FDIC. Seidman pressed Black into action, and, with
the assistance of a thousand FBI agents, and numerous attorneys from the
Department of Justice, doggedly pursued and brought to justice many hundreds of
those who participated, most of whom served time in federal prison.
Mr. Holder, by his own statements, is
going to steadfastly refuse to bring criminal cases against any participant in
the massive accounting control frauds perpetrated by large numbers of the Wall
Street banking community. One dramatic
example of this refusal is the failure to prosecute any of the employees and
others associated with Lehman Brothers.
During the bankruptcy of this firm, numerous parties were identified as
having pursued illegal, criminal activities which were at the core of the
issues which caused them to collapse.
And yet, to date, not a single one of these criminals has been
subpoenaed, indicted, or otherwise suffered further investigation by Holder's
organization. We know that the FBI is
the police side of the DOJ. We know that
hundreds of agents were assigned to the 9/11 crisis, and continue to work
primarily on matters relating to the Department of Homeland Security. We know that DHS is only one of at least 15
governmental agencies assigned to providing us with national security. None of these agents so assigned, has been
redeployed to other areas of our national justice needs to pursue things like
the Wall Street debacle participants.
Now, with millions thrown out of their
homes by foreclosure, forced to file bankruptcy, lost their jobs, without
health insurance, many times into poverty, how can we allow this to happen
without getting to the core of the matter and cleaning things up for a fresh
start. First there was TARP, Hank
Paulson and Tim Geithner's solution to potential economic collapse. Of that $700 million dollar fund, one could
argue that the only really useful purpose to which this money was put was to
save GM and Chrysler and the US automobile industry. The largest part of it was devoted to AIG,
the holder of massive numbers of Credit Default Swaps, the insurance hedging
tool used by the banks and others to offset potential losses from the failure
of the massive numbers of CDO's perpetrated by the banks on their investors and
customers worldwide. When CDO's become
trash, as large numbers of the "liars" loans made by unscrupulous mortgage
banks tied to the Wall Street banks failed, the banks found that much of their
massive investment portfolios turned to garbage, became worthless. Without TARP, which plugged enough of the
holes created by these losses and the effects on their asset holdings, these
banks could not have survived. Of
course, no one wants to discuss the even greater amounts of financial support
supplied by the Federal Reserve, as they purchased, and continue to purchase,
huge numbers of these failed financial instruments at par value, simply to keep
the bank's asset ratios in adequate condition to enable them to continue to do
business. This is without discussing the
manipulation of the FASB rules governing asset book valuations, or the role
played by the FED, Fannie and Freddie, in allowing the banks to continue to
support the generation of stated income mortgage application processes (called
"liar's loans" because they require no verification of the quality or even
existence of income and assets of a borrower to meet mortgage underwriting
guidelines), or the participation in the massive faà §ade by the ratings bureaus
which gave the CDO's developed based upon these "liar's loans" AAA investment
ratings (their highest rating for quality).
Of course the real table setting for
this entire debacle was the deregulation of the financial community which
occurred in 1999 under Bill Clinton and Alan Greenspan when Congress passed
into law the Gramm-Leach-Bliley bill, which, when enacted, abrogated the Glass
Steagall reforms resulting from the Great Depression, which had prevented
commercial banks from engagement in related financial activities, such as
investment banking and insurance, to name just a couple. Without belaboring this factor, suffice it to say the none of what happened in
2008 or what continues to go on since, would be possible if Glass Steagall were
still law. We now know, for instance,
that today the derivatives market has mushroomed to more than a quadrillion
dollars of nominal value (that's a thousand trillion dollars), which is several
times the size of the global economy annualized. If the right things happen internationally,
like a failure of the Euro zone to survive its present malaise (fairly likely
at some level), or some other as yet unpredictable international financial
catastrophe, these (CDO) investments could rapidly collapse, and the result
would be a global financial meltdown.
By now you are asking yourself why I
am discussing all of these issues which seem unrelated to prosecuting
wrongdoers on Wall Street. The answer is
really quite simple. All of the major
issues which continue to cripple the economy and contributed to a really weak
Wall Street reform (after all, the Dodd-Frank financial reform, regardless of
the protestations of the Wall Street elite, was largely a product of their
lobbying efforts and guidance of Congress in its development and ultimate
passage into law) are directly related.
So, the real answer to the question regarding Holder's failure to
prosecute is simple: Wall Street. These folks make massive contributions to
both political parties and hire and support huge and effective lobbies which
manipulate not just Congress, but the entire government. With their bought influence, the banks
continue to populate the financial regulatory agencies with their chosen
people. Remember the TARP? Neil Kashkari was responsible for the
management of the TARP program. Neil was
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under Hank Paulson (formerly of Goldman
Sachs), he also was a former Vice President of Goldman Sachs, and, when he left
the government in 2009, he went to work for one of the largest bond firms,
PIMCO. So, now, knowing that our
President is close friends with Wall Streeters like Jamie Dimon, that in the
2008 elections, the Democrats received about $65 million from Wall Street, and
the Republicans received about $54 million in congressional and presidential
contributions, that Geithner, head of the New York FED and friend of many of
the leaders of Wall Street with whom he worked every day, that Larry Summers,
one of the major supporters of Gramm Leach and ex-Goldmanite became the
president's Chief Economic Advisor, we begin to see a pattern. Now we can understand that Holder's
prosecutions of Wall Streeters would be tantamount to swimming upstream in Niagara
Falls. Sad, but true, it is unlikely to
happen until we enact reforms which would eliminate the massive influence of
money coming from corporations and wealthy individuals which substantially
influences how our government functions.
As a post script to what is written
about, I need to mention the work of Eric Schneiderman, Attorney General in New
York. Late last year, Holder announced
the formation of the Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities Working Group to be
headed by Eric. The group evolved from
his refusal to go along with the settlement intended to penalize the banks for
their parts in mortgage fraud and manipulations (only a fine, basically, with
no criminal conduct admitted). To date,
his staff is thought to be less and fifty investigators. They have formally announced that they will
not pursue perpetrators involved in the Lehman collapse. They do not expect to be making any criminal
referrals. Gee, I am so surprised.
Also, after the set aside of $65
billion to assist with restructuring existing mortgages, only a few hundred
million has actually been used, and this program is over two years old. The banks simply aren't helping, and are
unlikely to do so.
As a last mention, it is interesting
that so few in Congress have indicated frustration at Holder's obvious
failing. I guess that means that 99.9%
of those affected simply don't give enough campaign contributions to make such
outcry important.