Everyone believes Blasey Ford was sexually assaulted. However, the political bias of republicans precludes Ford remembered the one fact, the one image every sexual assault victim 'always' gets right, remembers with absolute clarity for all their lives. This one clear memory is the face and name of the person who crawled on top of them and threatened them with their erection. The clarity of this image will remain for all their lives and beyond if you believe in karma.
It is interesting and despicable and disheartening that so many republican women have come forward denying Fords truth telling, her memory. I am quite certain most of these morally corrupt, ideologically compromised women supporting Kavanaugh believe every single man who came forward and claimed sexual abuse long ago committed by the entrenched Catholic pedophile ring.
Finally, I really think most Republicans believe all of Fords testimony and simply do not care that Kavanaugh did this. They do not care because they are Republicans. The Republicans that appear to be unsure are not concerned about what is right rather about their careers--they so want a toady for corporate interests on the not so supreme court.