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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 6/15/18

Fancy Bear Exposed Showing the People Behind the Hacking Group

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George Eliason
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Just one other thing.......

Have you heard of Fancy Bear and Cozy Bear? Of course, you have. Everybody has. And we've heard time and again that these Russian groups are hacking us like there is no tomorrow. It's like they invented the internet or live in the Matrix or something.

Take the blue pill and look for the girl in the red dress. You get hooked up and all of a sudden it's communicable. What do I mean? You know what I mean. The hackers are screwing around like those flying calamari looking things from the Matrix movie. Trust me, don't screw around with the flying calamari looking things.

And we know who the hackers are except we can't figure out if it's them or not. If we could, they would be arrested, wouldn't they? After all this fuss and commotion, after setting the expectation so high, after telling the world that these hackers are so dangerous to Democracy (with a capital D) and having in-vest-i-gations, can we rest while they run around like free-range chickens?

Just one more thing......

Dimitry Alperovich and Crowdstrike told us making an identification is as easy as putting a Ruskie sounding label on the hackers and taking a $100,000,000 (100 million) investment in the company from Google. They can't be wrong, just Google it.

Except, the whole point of having a cool sounding hacker kind of nickname is nobody knows who you are. The best hacker tools today are wrapped around the idea that you can be someone else just like if you were in the Matrix. You can be anyone, anywhere, anytime, in any language, and even be a couple of places at the same time.

That's why no one really takes ole' Dimitri seriously anymore except the Atlantic Council, Google, and their $100 million (cough) investment. I'm not making fun of the guy but he is claiming superpowers that don't exist in this world. That's all I'm saying.

Just one last thing......

This means to make a real attribution and ID the Fancy Bear hackers, you have to do something different that actually works. How do we make this happen? Let me see... I know. How about we go Old School and employ a little something I like to call physics.

Instead of relying on magic phrases like "Russian troll," or "Bandera boy in a red and black dress," or even letting Shawn Henry at Crowdstrike peddle hack prevention software followed by a day after pill (after-the-fact cleanup services), let's apply a little old school science. How's that sound? OK?

Unless the hackers are operating in the Matrix with Keanu Reeves, they are subject to the laws and principles of the universe just like you and me. According to the Pauli exclusion principle - No two objects can occupy the same space at the same time. That's pretty easy.

Simply put, if Sweetie Shortbread rescued Jimmy Joe Bob from Puddle Creek at 2 PM on 6/5/2018 and she was the only other person there; we can be sure it's the same person if the local newspaper prints Molly Shortbread rescued Jimmy Joe Bob from Puddle Creek at 2:03 PM on 6/5/2018. She was the only person at the scene. Following the Pauli exclusion principle, no two Shortbreads can occupy the same place, at the same time -Molly and Sweetie are the same Shortbread.

In the case of Jimmy Joe Bob, he cannot be rescued by someone else at the same time he is already being rescued by Molly (aka Sweetie), if she is the only other person there. Don't worry about being confused, it's ridiculous to even try to understand. No matter how you slice it, it's still the same Sweetie Shortbread.

I'd like take this moment to raise the bar from; at the same time, in the same space, and add- doing the same thing.

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George Eliason is an American journalist that lives and works in Donbass. He has been interviewed by and provided analysis for RT, the BBC, and Press-TV. His articles have been published in the Security Assistance Monitor, Washingtons Blog, (more...)

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