Easter celebrations indoctrinate people into Christianity because they can be fun and make people want to participate in the Christian holidays and Christianity. Most people are forced to take one or more holidays during Easter, so many participate in Easter celebrations. To prevent Christian indoctrination, people who aren't Christian could have an annual secular celebration of their own during Easter called Feaster with a feast. People who aren't Christian could celebrate holidays called Feaster Friday instead of Good Friday, Feaster Sunday instead of Easter Sunday, and Feaster Monday instead of Easter Monday.
People argue that Easter is already a secular celebration to people, but the people they're talking about are mostly of Christian ancestry and the same can be said about all religious holidays. Hanukkah is a secular celebration to non-Jews who are of Jewish ancestry and Eid al-Fitr is a secular celebration to non-Muslims who are of Muslim ancestry, but the U.S. and other western countries don't have federal or statutory holidays for any religion but Christianity. As long as there are statutory holidays for Easter, people who aren't Christian can celebrate the holidays as Feaster.
If you're not a Christian and someone sends you a "happy Easter" message, you can respond, "Happy Feaster." For Feaster, instead of the Easter bunny, Easter eggs, Easter candy, and Easter baskets, there could be a Feaster bunny, Feaster eggs, Feaster candy, and Feaster baskets.
Feaster celebrations could be environmentally friendly, animal friendly, and healthy unlike Easter celebrations. Feaster celebrations could include a plant-based feast, but this isn't necessary. Feaster celebrations could involve painting or playing games with plastic eggs instead of real eggs from chickens. Chickens are the most abused animals. Chickens are often kept in cages stacked on top of each other for their whole lives. The chickens usually don't have room to move around or turn around. The waste from chickens often goes into the chicken cages below them. Animal agriculture is one of the main sources of greenhouse-gas emissions and other environmental damage.
Feaster activities could include secularism activism such as, depending on the location, emailing politicians to demand an end to government funding of religious schools, prayer recitations at government events, and statutory holidays for Easter. It isn't necessary to participate in all of the suggested Feaster activities to celebrate Feaster.
In a previously published article, I proposed a secular holiday alternative to Christmas called Christmyth or Christ-myth.
Happy Feaster!
(Article changed on Apr 07, 2021 at 1:33 AM EDT)