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Five Brave Republican Senators (3) - Some Questions to Ask

Carmine Gorga, Ph.D.
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zOn public issues

u Was not Donald Trump's request for assistance from Russia on July 27, 2016 a request to "work together," a request to collude?
u Was that treason?
u Why did Russia so promptly, five hours later, comply?
u Did Donald Trump commit perjury when, on inauguration day, he swore to support and defend the Constitution of the United States?
u Is his insistence that there was "no collusion" with Russia proof that he is aware of having committed perjury?
u Why did so many lieutenants lie to the US Congress and to the FBI about their participation in the collusion?
u Why does he favor lieutenants, such as Attorney General Bill Barr, who found "no collusion" in Mueller report?

On foreign relations

u Why the general agreement that "Putin won" the 2016 American presidential election?
u Why did Donald Trump accept an evident overpayment ($95M) from Russian operatives for his Florida mansion?
u Why has President Trump repeatedly undermined the NATO Alliance?
u Why has he repeatedly undermined our traditional international accords, notably the Paris Accord on climate change?
u Why does he repeatedly believe whatever Putin tells him?
u Why does he repeatedly not believe what the US Intelligence Agencies tell him?
u Why does he not take any action when Russia pays bounties to kill American soldiers?
u Why does he keep a relationship with Rudy Giuliani, who keeps a relationship with Andriy Derkach "an active Russian agent"?
u Why does he give and receive "love" from such tyrants as Kim Jong-un?
u Why does he not give and receive "love" from such democratic leaders as Angela Merkel?
u Why has Angela Merkel's approval rate soared over 70 percent?
u Why has President Trump's approval rate persisted in the low 40 percent?

On personal financial affairs

u Why such a long string of Donald Trump's personal business failures?
u Why such a long string of unpaid contractors?
u Why such a long string of losing creditors?
u Is there still a long string of cities waiting to be reimbursed expenses for his rallies?
u Does not the bombshell New York Times report make clear why Donald Trump has not made public his tax returns yet?
u Can he disprove a Forbes report that his businesses have accumulated $1.9 billion of revenue from 2017 and 2019?
u Can he prove that he has not violated the Emolument Clause of the Constitution?

On national financial affairs

u How does President Trump justify a nearly $17 trillion national debt in 2019?
u How does President Trump justify the effect of his Tax Act of 2017, which gave a pittance to MAGA People, with the bulk of the benefits going to him, his family, and his friends?

On public health

  • Why are we still without a national public health plan?
  • u Why are we still without a national economic development plan?

About personal judgment

  • u What is the basis for his evaluation that he knows "more about ISIS than the generals do"-and more than anyone else regarding just about anything?
  • u What is the basis for him calling the scientific view of the COVID-19 pandemic a "hoax"?
  • u Why does he call himself a "very stable genius" while uttering more than 20,000 lies over three years, when each lie corresponds to an unstable apprehension of reality?

On relations with women

  • u Are three marriage vows two too many?
  • u Did he not personally sign a check or two to Stormy Daniels?
  • u Why has he been accused of sexual misconduct by 26 women so far?

On race relations

  • u Why is he set on destroying President Obama's achievements?
  • u Is not his attempt to deny affordable health care coverage going to disenfranchise millions of MAGA people?
  • u Why does he repeat that, apart from Lincoln, he has done "more for Black People" than any other president?
  • u Why does he not acknowledge that Black Lives Matter?
  • u Why does he say that black Americans have mainly themselves to blame in their struggle for equality?
  • u Why does he say that Jews "are only in it for themselves"?
  • u Why the public vitriol about Hispanics?

On religion

  • u Why did he hold the Bible upside down in his famous photo opportunity in front of the Episcopal Church on June 1, 2020?
  • u Why does he go to a golf course, rather than to church, on a Sunday morning?

On human relations

  • u How does he dare to mimic the stress of people with cerebral palsy?
  • u How does he dare to use coarse language when speaking in public?
  • u How does he dare to use coarse language when speaking of African nations?
  • u How does he dare to call fallen heroes "losers" and "suckers"?
  • u Are we free to tolerate a President who demeans soldiers who have been captured and tortured?*

* We are not free to tolerate a President who demeans soldiers who have been captured and tortured - rather than betray American military secrets and values.

On cruelty

  • u Why does he tolerate the separation of children from their families?
  • u Why does he tolerate "uterus collectors"

On the disrespect of people's rights

  • u Why does President Trump allow Bill Barr to threaten to withdraw federal funds from NYC, Seattle, and Portland-because these local authorities, respecting the dictates of the US Constitution, permit peaceful protests to occur?
  • u Why does he call peaceful protesters "insurgents"?
  • u Why is he inciting militia people to commit extrajudicial acts of violence against peaceful protesters?

On abuse of political power

  • u Why is President Trump destroying the credibility of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)?
  • u Why is he destroying the credibility of the Center for Disease Control (CDC)?
  • u Why is he destroying the credibility of the Department of Justice (DOJ)?
  • u If the Attorney General works as a personal lawyer for the president, should he not-at the very least-be removed from the public payroll?

On undermining democracy

  • u Will a presidency, born in treason, destroy democracy to perpetuate itself?
  • u Why is President Trump undermining such a pillar of democracy as the exercise of citizens' voting rights?
  • u Why is he undermining such a pillar of democracy as the census of the population?
  • u Why is he undermining such a pillar of democracy as the US Postal Service in a condition of pandemic in which people prefer to vote by mail         - as he personally does?
  • u Why is he undermining democracy?

Will we find five brave Republican Senators, a mere 10% of the Republican Senate roster, to march into the Oval Office and respectfully request the resignation of President Donald J. Trump?

If he does accept the challenge, he will be remembered as performing a most courageous action.

There is a civil war to avoid; peace of mind to give to President Trump; Love to restore as the Hidden Ruler of America.

Do Republican Senators still believe that the bully Donald Trump's rhetoric is only bluster?

Our nation cannot afford such a losing wager. As Masha Gessen wrote in his now-famous essay on autocracy: "Believe the autocrat. He means what he says."

Carmine Gorga was born 85 years ago in the Deep South of Southern Italy, under Mussolini, during the Great Depression. He has recently (?) been classified as a Gravatar, a Globally Recognized Avatar.

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President, The Somist Institute, 87 Middle Street
Gloucester, MA USA 01930

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