Dear Friends,
I'd like you to put yourselves in a hypothetical situation. You find yourself rushing into an Emergency Room because you heard someone you love very much was taken there. As soon as you announce yourself a doctor takes you to the side and tells you that the loved one is in critical condition. That an operation is needed and if they perform it soon the damage can be irreversible. BY ALL MEANS YOU SHOUT! Then he informs you "only two doctors qualified to do such an operation and you must choose one of the two."- You ask more about these doctors.
"Well one"- the doctor says "came from a middle class family, worked his way though school, is known for his social work in the community, and has even taught his trade as a professor in a well known University. Where the other got his training in the Military, graduated 5th from the bottom of his class, did find himself in a bad situation beyond his control and survived, but since then has led a life of high society."- Just as you are about to announce your decision the doctor adds "by the way one of them is Black."- All of a sudden it seems the whole hospital goes silent and the only thing you hear is a clock ticking on the wall.
My friends that loved one is your country. It's in critical condition. It needs emergency care. Is the color of one's skin going to sway who you choose to administer the much needed care. Can you hear the clock ticking on the wall?