Dear Friends,
Please sign the two petitions above, and send them out to your lists.
The molten cores of reactors 1, 2 and 3 are in contact with the groundwater, and corium material is now being found in the Pacific.
Fukushima corium found in Pacific -- Flowing into ocean after hydrogen dissolves nuclear fuel -- Scientist: We've actually seen plutonium floating on surface; "We have no control over this accident" they've got leaks everywhere"
TEPCO seems unable to deal with the many tons of irradiated water flowing daily into the Pacific, where it damages marine life, and enters the food chain. utility last month began pouring cement into underground tunnels filled with the contaminated water from the reactor buildings to stop the water inflow. The water is believed to be leaking into the sea.TEPCO officials told the panel that workers have completely filled the U-shaped tunnels except for 4 vertical pits that connect the tunnels to the ground surface. They removed 2,500 tons of radioactive water. But the officials said that when they pumped water up from one of the pits, the water level at another pit changed. That suggests that gaps exist in the concrete-filled tunnels.
And TEPCO is planning to release the water in the storage tanks, water which was used to cool the molten reactor cores, into the Pacific. The tanks are overflowing and there is no room for more. This water is more radioactive than the groundwater, which is already contaminating the ocean at the rate of 300-400 tons/day.
Experts: Much of melted nuclear fuel is now particles which are inside the water...Tokyo Electric Power Company: MAAP analysis & Core concrete reaction -- Part of the fuel debris was reduced to particles" [Unit 2 scenario] Ratio of particle: 62%" [Unit 3 scenario] Ratio of particle: 56%....In deep oceans" the situation is different: most Pu remains in the water phase for a long time due to a slow mixing of water masses and slow sedimentation rates" TRUs can be either soluble or fixed in particulate fraction" in the Baltic Sea, the proportion of soluble Pu varied from 25 to 70 % of total Pu in the water" The finest particles can be easily transported long distances.
Meanwhile. earthquakes and typhoons continue to rock the plant. One of these could further destabilize the damaged buildings. Reactors 1, 2, and 3 still have spent fuel pools on top of them, 100 feet in the air, and are too radioactive for humans to approach.
The Herald, Dec 21, 2014: Earthquake hits near Fukushima -- A 5.9 magnitude earthquake hit Japan's Honshu island" shaking Fukushima where crippled nuclear power plants are located" A spokesman for Tokyo Electric Power said no irregularities have been found at its Fukushima Daiichi or Daini plants.
New revelations continue to show that the amount of damage originally caused was far greater than reported at the time.
NHK, Dec 21, 2014 (emphasis added): More radioactive materials released after crisis -- The Japan Atomic Energy Agency says 75 percent of the radioactive substances released from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant came more than 4 days after the accident. The government's investigation has not released what happened during this period. Experts say the reason needs to be determined as to why massive amounts of radioactive materials continued to be released" The nuclear accident in Fukushima has been evaluated as the worst" But the details on how the substances were released remain unknown" Japan Atomic Energy Agency collected new data on radiation detected near the plant over time to analyze how radioactive materials were released into the air. The research has found that an estimated 470,000 terabecquerels of radioactive substances had been released by the end of March 2011" The research group says 25 percent [1/4] of the radioactive materials were released during the first 4 days" while 75 percent were released over the 2-week period that followed" radioactive substances released between March 20th and 21st spread to a wider area, including the Kanto region, and are believed to have contaminated drinking water supplies" The government's investigation has focused on the first 4 days, and has not determined the cause of the massive release of radioactive substances following that period
And there is still NO official monitoring of radiation in the ocean, air or food all along the West Coast! Marine Food Web Bioaccumulation model for Cesium 137 in the Pacific Northwest -- ... Despite the looming threat of radiation, there has been scant attention and inadequate radiation monitoring. This is unfortunate,... [A] simulation time dependent bioaccumulation model" showed that 137Cs can be expected to bioaccumulate gradually over time in the food web"
Again, please sign these two petitions.
Peace, Carol Wolman