Let's look at some facts which are routinely ignored by the press, tv and media, because the general public knows more about deflategate than the daily mass murders which occur in the US, sponsored by the Republicans and their financier, the NRA, both guilty, but few people connect the dots.
The first connect is diversion. Sell more guns legally because of fear. And fears of "terrorism", namely dark skinned folk from abroad. "Motivation", the current distraction of the day, has occupied CNN and the media, clouding the issue that anyone, including "terrorists", can legally get a gun in America today and kill one or many with "motivation" a pathetic excuse for GOP and NRA endorsed killings for profits.
"Sell More Guns" is the NRA mantra, no matter who, what or why the gun is bought. The GAO in 2010 said being on the Terrorist Watch List "does not prohibit a person from possessing firearms or explosives under current federal law." What?? Is this for real? Yep, the NRA has their Republican killers by proxy veto any reasonable or sane gun law, and permit terrorists to legally buy guns. The terrorists legally buy guns, use them, the public is horrified, the Republicans screech about freedom and rights, average people may consider a gun for protection, and the NRA, again, sells more guns.
So, the Republican endorsed "Kill More People Everyday," also known as the NRA, "Sell More Guns," is doing just fine and dandy, because gun sales go up after mass shootings, 355 so far this year in the US. Mass shootings are defined as incidents in which four or more people are killed or injured by gunfire. This happens more than once a day in the US. Repeat: every day in the US there is a mass shooting.
Australia had one too many mass killings and the conservative government drastically changed their laws. We should do the same.
Now, let's connect the dots. If guns are available they will be used- every year in the US about 33,000 die from gun violence, and another 78,000 people survive gun injuries, That's about 100,000 people killed or injured, every year, because the NRA wants to sell more guns. This is one of the two sacred sacred litmus tests for any Republican, the other is anti abortion rights, somewhat ironic, preventing women from reproductive rights choices while being complicit with killing and injuring over 100,000 a year.
The bogeyman in this discussion is our favorite fall back word, "terrorism", generally considered to be foreign, though our own white bread, mayo, right wing lunatics are the main killers in this category. But, as all rulers throughout history were aware, claim an outside enemy and people will rally. In this case, the perceived "terrorist threat" is foreign. But this very simple visual aid will demonstrate clearly where the real "terrorism" is in the US:
Since 1970, terror fatalities in the US, including 9/11, are under 3500.
During the same time, gun fatalities in the US exceeded over 30,000 a year, totaling over 900,000.
That is close to a million gun deaths vs 3500 US deaths by "terrorists".
Now, we can ask, who are the real terrorists? It is the Republican party supporting the NRA killers, and the Democrats are too scared to call them on it, and the media is too weak to make these facts known so people will be better informed and vote for common sense safety regulations.
To do? Make this a campaign issue, and call out the NRA and their Republican supporters. Any and all Republicans. Make them wear the mantle of being killers. This is harsh but sadly true. Have every locality across the country pass their own local laws enforcing gun control and registration. Yes, I know state and federal law trumps (sorry) local legislation, but this will publicize it and send it to the courts, getting further exposure. Santa Rosa, Petaluma, Napa, Cloverdale, Sausalito, imagine if all said enough is enough, these are our new laws, and until overturned, that's the deal.
In conclusion, the NRA/Republican propaganda machine is well financed, their profits achieved at the expense of daily mass murders and the subsequent fear.
Expose and confront all Republicans in any election in this country. Insist that your local representatives from the city or county pass legislation now, regardless of their reluctance. Imagine across the country people insisting their representatives pass a law saying simply 'every gun in our jurisdiction must be registered. No assault rifles permitted. No extra bullet magazines allowed, etc."
The time is now. You may have better or other answers, but the point is do something today. Something. Call your council member or supervisor.
Otherwise the NRA killers continue to make profits because we are too timid to even try anything.