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Go Back to Sleep America

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Jill (Julia) Dalton
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Go back to sleep America.  The election is over.  The "lesser of two evils" or as Glen Ford so aptly labeled him the "more effective evil" has won and all is well with the world.


You cast your faux fear vote for your faux president who was actually selected and installed by the corporate powers to serve the corporate police state that's been put into place over the past 30 years and is now accelerating at an alarming rate.  The irony is many actually believe their vote matters and global warming doesn't exist and we're fighting the good wars and fracking will save us from peak oil and taking our rights away will keep us safe and we're number one.

Sure we're number 1.  Number 1 in income inequality, #1 in incarceration rates, #1 in building and exporting weapons, #1 in military spending.  In fact, we're the #1 terrorist organization on the planet.  Our main exports are: murder, torture, death and destruction.  We've managed to create terrorists where there were none.  Terrorism is like a cancer and when it's attacked it metastases and spreads around the globe.  Our child poverty rate is 23.1% second only to Romania.  We rank in the low 20's in science and math scores so go back to sleep America.

The sociopaths have taken over the asylum and are hollowing or harvesting our country out from the inside.  Our manufacturing sector has plummeted from 70% in the 1960's to a meager 17% today.  Corporate power, aided and abetted by our bought and paid for legislators, are exploiting us and destroying the environment in the process. 

I believe these white male supremacist hate the feminine and therefore degrade, defeat, demean, abuse, rape and pillage Mother Earth every chance they get and when she fights back with a Katrina or a Sandy they deny climate change.  These male white supremacists treat us human women with the same distain and disrespect.  They are dangerous dinosaurs that have not evolved and are running scared.  You only have to look at blowhards like O'Reilly or Limbaugh to see the pattern.  But all bullies are really cowards, hiding their fear with racism, sexism and vitriol and when you stand up to a bully they invariable back down as you've exposed them for the ugly pathetic little tyrants they are.  Their only power lies in our silence and our obedience. 

We know the truth and we have the power.  Our Constitution still reads "we the people" not "we the corporations."  It's up to us to rise up and stand up for our rights and our planet.  For our mother earth, women's rights, economic equality, a peaceful world, a peaceful homeland, good food, good schools available to all not just the rich, good jobs and healthcare for all.  These are basic human rights.

But we've given our power away.  We're no longer citizens we're consumers.   We're passive.  We vote and think we've done our civic duty and then go back to sleep till the next bogus election comes around complete with its negative attack ads, non-issues and corporately sponsored participants. 

Issues are never discussed because that would be too dangerous to the corporate state and the American people might wake up and ask, "Yeah, why don't I have a good job and healthcare, why can't my kids get a decent education?  Why are we bailing out the bankers and Wall Street and foreclosing on homeowners?  Why are we spending trillions on illegal wars?  Why are our police forces militarized?  Why is my income the same as it was in 1968 while productivity is up and CEO's are making millions?"  Why?  Because the corporate state is about profit and control and we're merely pawns in their game of greed where, to borrow from Chris Hedges, "the only word they know is, MORE!" 

They ignore our cries.  50% of all Americans are either in or near poverty.  Our children go to sleep hungry and homeless but we're too busy propping up a dead system that serves the 1%.  It's actually much less than the 1% but no need to split hairs here.  Sure the economy works for them.  Their kids go to private schools; they have healthcare, a few nice homes and eat non-GMO food so it works for them.

I received an email from an old friend recently and inside was a rant from a woman proclaiming how all these poor people are freeloading off Obama's welfare state because they receive food stamps while she, on the other hand, has to work very hard at her job and why should they get a free ride?

I wrote back, "Seriously, she's concerned about a poor family of four receiving $70 a week in food stamps?  What about Wall Street and the too big to fail banks who've been given $16 trillion of our taxpayer dollars or 1 trillion a year being spent on illegal wars.  What about the tax cuts for the rich and them not paying their fair share?"  Seems she's been indoctrinated, as many have, in the Ayn Rand philosophy.  It's the let's blame the victim mentality.  Let's point the finger at those who have no power, no voice and can't fight back. 

Her rage is understandable but completely misdirected.  But that's how the corporate propaganda machine works.  And with many Americans no longer able to think and merely spouting sound bites and platitudes with no real thought process behind them we see how dangerously misguided this (it's every man/woman for themselves) groupthink has become.

Our school systems are being privatized or corporatized, as they issue standardized tests so students can parrot back the groupthink because people who're able to think are dangerous to the corporate state.  It's much harder to manipulate and control us when we're able to process their crimes and connect the dots. No matter corporatizing our school system will destroy the creativity and ingenuity that Americans are known for.


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Jill Dalton is a recovering army brat/writer/performer/activist who has appeared in film and television as well as performing her solo plays in New York and around the country. Most recently she can be seen in and consulted for William Hurt on the (more...)
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