I am pretty sure most every one knows about Hitler and his leading the German people into World War II. He was an elected official too. Are we to repeat such a recent and awful lesson? Do we like the Germans in the 1930's just throw up our hands and say "I am but one person I can do nothing. I might get thrown in jail or taken away."
Bull sh*t! If you can read this blog you can find out who your rep is in congress and send them an e-mail. You can dial 411 and get the phone number for your rep. in your State Capital and call them to express your concerns. Let us not repeat the sheep like behavior of the German people during the rise of Hitler.
We no longer have the privilege of waiting for the general election to save our bacon. Bush isn't waiting. Though it is hard to believe he would wish to leave his office as a negative figure in the annuls of history, he has taken steps to do just that. If he succeeds we will go down in history as a weak willed, fat, and complacent people, as well.
Our position in the world today is not as unique as we would like to believe. It mirrors the position of the roman people before the fall of the roman empire. It mirrors the French court and the wealthy French courtesans just before the French revolution. It mirrors the position of the English here before the American revolution. Through out history when ever one group became more powerful and richer than another and foolishly flaunted it with out truly sharing the good fortune the other population eventually ousts or destroys the first.
If you think we have been sharing, think again. Less than 35% of funds sent to aid populations in need ever gets there and sometimes it is only as little as 10%. Iran would be an excellent example of how we really do business. We sent money, our own companies followed it, collected massive amounts of it and then brought it back home in their own pockets, while providing a mere pittance of the work contracted for. This does not endear us to anyone but our own contractors.
Unless we take a history making new tack in the face of a dictator we will repeat the fall of many of history's great civilizations. As American's we have a patriotic duty to follow in our forefather's footsteps and once again refuse to repeat bad history. We need to gather the American spirit and stand up to Bush and his cronies who would destroy what we have built for two hundred years. A country that does things with honor and generosity, believing in the rights of each person on earth, not just the people who live in our country.
Ask your congressman or woman to impeach Bush immediately and prevent him from creating World War III. This time we stand a very, very good chance of losing. That is if it isn't already too late.