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How Facebook's immorality evolved from the botched ending of the Cold War

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S.A. Becker

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How Facebook's immorality evolved from the botched ending of the Cold War... and why the US Embassies worldwide should immediately stop promoting Facebook.

What defeated the Soviet system of communism and ended the Cold War in 1991 was not only the fact that the Soviet system was based on unworkable premises of governance that created institutionalized corruption, but that, by contrast, hundreds of millions of free people enjoyed their lives in the West -- working in all kinds of career pursuits and even with elite coordination at the top, it became clear to the bulk of undecided populations that the Americans and the system they represented was more desirable than the totalitarian dungeon the Russians had created.

In 1991-- when I was working in Hong Kong during those last years of the British Colony -- the Americans should have rushed into the collapsed Soviet Union with billions in aid and every kind of supporting program to help the Russians at least in recognition that their government's collapse heralded the passing of significant nuclear destruction danger -- and as enlightened victors -- like we did in Germany and Japan after WW2 -- relieve the people suffering in the shambles of their failed state.

But we behaved with uncertainty and politicized hesitancy like uncommitted voyeurs, distracted by Saddam Hussein (who was largely irrelevant) as the Russians turned to ex KGB gangsters for leadership which evolved into the system Russia has today.

Still, Putin and his oligarchs are vastly preferable to the Soviet Union, as any human being would realize who is old enough to remember the dark days of the Cold War, when Ronald Reagan moved the SS-20 missiles into Europe. That leaves out Mark Zuckerberg...

Fast forward to 2018: Trump, Russiagate, Putin, sanctions, angry democrats, the CIA's very own CNN and a cluster-f*ck of misinformation hitherto unimaginable. Anderson Cooper is on record admitting he "interned at the CIA" which means Langley has a whole room full of people handing him the news they want him to read on TV.

Instead of transforming our bloated Pentagon system to respond to massive changes in the Soviet Union, the thing our entire system was geared to oppose, we let all that bloatedness hang on, and by now, the primary danger this vast revolving system between the alphabet soup agencies and defense contractors is not against any foreign power, but against the American people themselves because those are the people who shoulder the financial burden for the defense-security complex's gargantuan wastefulness in a country, which is an international embarrassment in terms of health insurance for its own citizens and with vast segments of its own population either blowing their brains out (white males age 40 to 60) or frying them with opioids.

So while the Cold War's interconnected Pentagon system worked for everybody to have jobs and money and to show how rich and free we were, that was only against the backdrop of the people we opposed and their sluggish centrally planned Soviet economy: the commissars and their vulgar bureaucracies.

Law schools like Georgetown and Harvard and Yale are belching out graduates in ever greater numbers -- people who think they can languidly absorb themselves into the State Department and prance around the planet importantly, voyeuristically reporting back to headquarters, fussing over shoes, manicures and legally-protected alternative lifestyles.

The only trouble with this glorious picture is Russia is now strong, mostly free and wildly nationalistic. China is huge (4 USAs in one country) a hive of racist superhuman greed under the control of a singular communist iron fist for life.

Do you think these Russian and Chinese people forget how the Americans behaved? Look at the results of the US invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. Big successes? I think not.

In the 73 years since the the conclusion of WW2 in 1945 -- this zenith-peak of American power, the entire world has completely transformed, mostly for the better in terms of human well-being.

But the American leftover Cold War bureaucracy was never interested in anybody's well being -- except its own.

This is all the Americans' own fault for not adapting to the fact that there's no communist monolith to oppose anymore and allowing the vast military-security complex's own bureaucracy to hold sway over US foreign policy, for all the wrong reasons. Nobel Peace Prizewinning President Obama and his global drone assassination program made it much worse.

That's how we lost the moral high ground, folks. There's no struggle now between good and evil systems of government. There's mostly just racist nationalists grubbing for cash and influence now.

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S.A. Becker is a longtime publisher, editor, reporter and journalist in Asia, covering Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar and other places, writing on history, military, intelligence, business and features. He also runs a language training company, (more...)
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How Facebook's immorality evolved from the botched ending of the Cold War

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