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How to Defeat Donald Trump:Think Psychological Warfare

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Bernard Starr
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Trump Rally
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As soon as Joe Biden announced his candidacy for President on April 25th Tweety Bird Don promptly welcomed "Sleepy" Joe into the race. Cable commentators and several Democratic hopefuls, including Joe Biden himself, laughed at Trump's latest addition ("sleepy") to his basket of belittling monikers for those who oppose him. Laughter seems appropriate for this adolescent man-child President. But it's no laughing matter. Trump has mastered brainwashing techniques of psychological conditioning that divert attention from his deplorable behavior, absence of policies, and incompetent administration.

Donald Trump is no intellect so he probably stumbled into his manipulative mind control techniques through trial and error, perfecting them at rallies where he was able to discover the manipulations that work best. I spelled out the mechanics of Trump's brainwashing techniques in a 2018 article based on an interview with cognitive-behaviorism expert Dr. Barry Lubetkin: "Mind Control: How Donald Trump Has Transformed Americans Into Pavlov's Dogs."

Trump's potential opponents for the 2020 presidential election must understand that they are engaged in psychological warfare that Democratic candidates, particularly the newbies, are woefully unprepared for. Here' why and what they must do.

Imagine you're a heavyweight boxer and your first match is against an opponent who has won most of his fights. In a stunning upset, you knock out your opponent in the first round. You're so bursting with joy and self-confidence from your victory that you say to your manager: "I'm really good; my next fight should be against the heavyweight champion of the world. Why wait? I'm ready and I can win now!"

How do you think the manager would respond?

He might say, "Sure, you have the ability, and miracles can happen. But counting on miracles is a bad business plan. And there's more to a champion than a single round-one knockout."

This advice should not be confused with "wait your turn." Rather, it's wait until you are seasoned, proven, and ready. One knockout does not forecast a champion.

Many newbie Democratic candidates elected to Congress in the 2018 mid-term election initially exhibited the same hubris as the first-time boxing winner. Flush from their victories, many called for a change of leadership. They argued that heavyweight champion Nancy Pelosi was a has-been; they insisted that Congress needed new younger fighters.

Fortunately, the freshman Congressmen and Congresswomen listened to the "managers," who convinced them that they would be slaughtered by the battle-seasoned Republican attack dogs. So they wisely endorsed Pelosi for Speaker of the House and were not disappointed when she proved she was still the heavyweight champ. She anticipated the fake jabs and wild moves and her opponents went down for the count.

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Bernard Starr, PhD, is a psychologist, journalist, and Professor Emeritus CUNY, Brooklyn College. He is the author of The Crucifixion of Truth, a drama about historical antisemitism set in 16th-century Italy and Spain. At Brooklyn College, he (more...)

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