Because it gives both R's and D's an equally safe seat. So"
By Jack E. Lohman
... if you protect them equally, who are the losers???
The voters and taxpayers!!! Because the politicians of both stripes no longer worry about losing their seat because of their special-interest votes. They can vote against the best interests of the public and still win re-election. As 95% of incumbents win regularly, even though congress has only a 15% approval rate.
So no, it is not a "partisan plan" to protect one party over the other, it is a stacked deck to protect dishonest politicians from the voters. They may now sell their votes to special interests without fear of the voters casting them aside!
Indeed, even Wisconsin legislators are caught up in the mess, but of course they are as tainted.
Who will win? The politicians, NOT the taxpayers. It is a corrupt game to keep those in power who are destroying our world. It is anti-voter and anti-third party, but if Wisconsinites are smart it will backfire.
The Government Accountability Board, if not interfered with, could create non-partisan districts that are somewhat fair and logical, but "fair and logical" is not in the politician's vocabulary.