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If you already like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, you'll love her after seeing this

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Unlikely Rise: AOC On Her Family, Generational Differences & More | TIME Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sits down with TIME's Charlotte Alter. The 29-year-old, newly-elected Congresswoman represents a generational shift among the ...
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Reprinted from www.dailykos.com by Leslie Salzillo

New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez(aka AOC) was a waitress this time last year. Now, she appears on the Apr. 1 cover of TIMEmagazine, and is one of the most talked-about lawmakers in the country. AOC is also scaring the hell out of the GOP. They're obsessed with her. Why? She's taking up space. She won't stop. She's "difficult." Republicans didn't see her comingand they are right to be scared.

We hear things that are stunning, urgent, challenging and sometimes humorous from this new congresswoman almost every day. And almost every day, more Americans wonder why we can't just lower the age for presidential candidates to 29.

Here's AOC's latest GOP ass-whoopin', courtesy of a C-SPAN clip that the New York Times'' Shane Goldmacher posted to Twitter on Tuesday. It took place during a Senate hearing, after Republicans shot down the AOC-backed Green New Deal (GND), which proposes a powerful economic stimulus plan that also addresses climate change.

In just over two minutes, the gentlewoman from New York shames the entire Republican Party, not only for their lack of action in helping those most in need, but also for their cheap underhandedness and blatant prioritizing of big banks, big oil and big money over the needs of citizens.

Republicans are known to use the word "elitist" when discussing something they don't want to give or something they want to take away-or to try and appear smarter than Democrats. It's their emergency "out" word, but Rep. Ocasio-Cortez is having none of it.

When we talk about the concern of the environment as an "elitist" concern " this is not an elitist issue; this is a quality of life issue. You want to tell people that their concern and their desire for clean air and clean water is elitist? Tell that to the kids in the South Bronx, which are suffering from the highest rates of childhood asthma in the country. Tell that to the families in Flint whose kids have their blood, it's ascending in lead levels, their brains are damaged for the rest of their lives. Call them elitist.

She wastes no time.

People are dying. They are dying. And the response on the other side across the aisle is to introduce an amendment five minutes before a hearing in a markup? This is serious. This should not be a partisan issue. This is about our constituents and all of our lives. Iowa, Nebraska-broad swathes of the Midwest are drowning right now. Under water. Farms, towns that will never be recovered and never come back.

And we're here and people are more concerned about helping oil companies than their own families-I don't think so. I don't think so!

She tells the GOP that this about American lives. "It should not be partisan," she says. "Science should not be partisan." Ocasio-Cortez tells them they need to rise to certain levels in order to avoid American disasters like the Great Depression and World War II.

If we do not ascend to those levels, if we tell the American public that we are more willing to invest and bail out big banks than we are willing to invest in our farmers and our urban families, then I don't know what we're here doing. I don't know what we're here doing.

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