Preventing the assault on America's capitol was not exclusively a policing failure; the twisted behavior culminated from inadequate response to Trump and his supporters' unsubstantiated attacks on the validity of the 2020 election.
A simple analysis could have uncovered the illogical thinking and convinced many that the charges of election fraud were fallacious. Media and public servants allowed deranged accusations to inflame the electorate and remained complacent to the obvious - Illogical thinking leading to illogical actions.
Illogical Thinking
Impossibility of a successful large conspiracy
Rudolph William Louis Giuliani, America's "mayordomo," in charge of the attack on the 2020 presidential vote, claimed that the voting indicated a huge and coordinated conspiracy that involved several swing states Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona showed similar erratic voting patterns and each of these states exhibited late insertion of ballots that erased Donald Trump's huge leads over Joseph Biden.
NBC News, Nov. 19, 2020, By Jane C. Timm
"It's not a singular voter fraud in one state," Giuliani said, speaking at Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington. "This pattern repeats itself in a number of states, almost exactly the same pattern, which any experienced investigator prosecutor, which suggests that there was a plan from a centralized place to execute these various acts of voter fraud, specifically focused on big cities, and specifically focused on, as you would imagine, big cities controlled by Democrats, and particularly if they focused on big cities that have a long history of corruption."
Giuliani failed to detail the organization of the conspiracy or inform the FBI to investigate its illegal activities. Illogical thinking improvises a huge conspiracy; logical thinking shows the absurdity.
A conspiracy of this magnitude, with a centralized administration, involves tens, if not hundreds, of people from disparate geographical locations in several well-coordinated actions. Not difficult to gather a small group people, who know one another and are able to maintain secrecy, and plan a singular conspiratorial activity. Probably need to talk to hundreds in order to obtain tens of adherents for this caper, agree to a centralized authority, and operate without fear of disclosure. Then, the organization must have several meetings to arrange activities and assignments. Can these activities printing hundreds of thousands of false ballots, posting and mailing these false ballots, forging signatures, researching obituaries and voter registration lists be performed without exposure or remain hidden from extensive intelligent investigation? It will be shown later that the activities could not be successful and would have been a waste of time.
Implausibility of Democrats Conspiring to Steal the Vote
Until voting time, polls indicated that Joseph Biden would win the election by a substantial margin. Devotees of the probable loser, Donald Trump, might conspire to readjust the votes, but why would Democrats, expecting victory, jeopardize themselves and the anticipated election result by engaging in nefarious activities and risk being caught? Illogical.
Illogical to Assume Many Falsified Ballots Can Be Counted
A ballot, and no more than one, can only be obtained by a registered voter, either by email or snail mail. Obtaining a multitude of ballots requires counterfeiting, which is a difficult task, logistically and artistically. Finding someone to do the criminal task and be certain the counterfeiter will not squeal is not easy. Ballots feature particular design elements that are difficult to copy. Charlotte Hill and Jake Grumbach, UC Berkeley, Wednesday, September 30, 2020, stated, "They are printed on special card stock, with exact page size, color and thickness varying by state, or even county or town."
Let a genius manage to print the ballots with names of real people who would not be voting. How does the conspirator get the fraudulent ballots past the signature identification? Maybe, there was not 100 percent accurate signature identification, but how many falsifications could have been missed by well-trained signature analysts who had weeks to examine the signatures on ballots, which were delivered daily before vote counting time on election day?
Wait, signature identification was only one of two secure steps in the voter validation process, and only 31 states used signature identification. More meaningful was the scanner code on each envelope that needed a match to one stored with the original request made by the registered voter. Ballots that have no matching code to that in the stored ballot request are immediately discovered as fraudulent. Two obviously logical conclusions: (1) Because no announcements of discoveries of an unusual number of fraudulent ballots were made, it is logically assumed that there were no delivered fraudulent ballots; and, (2) knowing the ease of detecting false ballots and triggering a criminal investigation, it is illogical to think anyone who falsified ballots would attempt to deliver them by mail or by insertion in ballot boxes. The only way to get fraudulent ballots counted is by getting them into the canvassing centers, bypassing envelope inspection, and moving them directly to the vote tabulation machines.
Because special security personnel handle the ballot transfer process to centers, the conspirators would have had to improvise devious means to bring the fraudulent ballots into the secure center, navigate past security personnel, and hope the 360-degree cameras did not spot their illegal entries. Once inside, he/she would need co-conspirators to stow the ballots in a known location, and, at an opportune moment, have the co-conspirators retrieve and scan them.
An infamous video prepared by Giuliani associates for a Georgia Senate Judiciary subcommittee implied that counterfeit ballots were smuggled into the election center and surreptitiously counted.
Media all over the world ran headlines similar to this:
Lawmakers hear bombshell allegations of Georgia election fraud.
CBS 46, ADAM MURPHY, DEC 3, 2020
Thursday, a Georgia Senate Judiciary subcommittee heard new jaw-dropping allegations of alleged election fraud in the state from several people including President Donald Trump's attorney, Rudy Giuliani.
For the first time, the president's legal team, led by Giuliani, presented surveillance video from the state's largest voting center. The video allegedly shows people taking out at least four boxes of ballots from underneath a table, and then counting them after hours with no election supervisors present.
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