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Dan Lieberman

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Dan Lieberman is the editor of Alternative Insight, a monthly web based newsletter. His website articles have been read in more than 150 nations, while articles written for other websites have appeared in online journals throughout the world(B 92, Al Jazeera, Gulf News, Times of India, The Hindu, Indymedia, Occupation Magazine, Pravda, Scoop, Emirates Tribune, Gulf times, Khaleej Times, Al-ahram weekly, Journal of Turkish Weekly, Middle East online, Global Comment, Daily news-EU, Dissident Voice, and many others) and include translations into French, German and Spanish.
Articles have served as teaching resources in several universities, including Howard, Stanford , Northwestern Law School, Emerson College, U. of Texas. References and excerpts have appeared in multitudes of academic and conference papers. Several articles have become Internet classics, each attracting about ten thousand readers annually, even ten years after publication (Origins of Soviet/Afghan War, Origins of Korean War, Health as a Socio-economic Problem, Failures of US Foreign Policies, Reparations for Afro-Americans.)
He is author of the book A Third Party Can Succeed in America and a Kindle: The Artistry of a Dog.


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SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, June 1, 2022
The Greatest Replacement Frontier America instrumented the greatest replacement of the modern era, that is until the Zionists invaded the Levant. Considering the ratio of ethnically cleansed populations to the areas of their stolen properties, the ratio is magnitudes greater in the latter case. What is now called Israel, and should rightfully be called Palestine, is the result of the greatest replacement of the last centuries.
President Roosevelt signs the Social Security Act, From Uploaded
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, November 14, 2021
A National Pension Plan Saves Social Security Only a National Pension Plan can provide a suitable and secure financial arrangement for retirees. Fortunately, Social Security already has the framework for a National Pension Plan. .
Taliban soldiers, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Wandering 40 Years in the Afghan Desert The Taliban have taken military control, but Afghanistan's future is cloudy. Assumption that the Taliban can, by itself, effectively govern a nation divided by conflicting tribal loyalties and a partially reconstituted population, with a sharply contrary mindset, needs more validation. Rather than facts, agendas have delegated responsibility for the debacle in Afghanistan.
Dome of the Rock, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, June 3, 2021
Remember the Name - Sheikh Jarrah Attempt to evict Palestinian families from homes escalated from what Israel termed "a real-estate dispute," into Israel and Gaza being pounded by military weapons. Attempt to evict Palestinian families from homes escalated into worldwide defense of Palestinian rights and demands for an end to their continuous oppression. Sheikh Jarrah has left a permanent imprint on history. The world will remember the name - She
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, May 20, 2021
The Democratic Party's Big Mistake ─ Support for Israel Those who fear the end of democracy take no heed to a fundamental cause of the threat - Israel. President Biden has an opportunity to separate the Democratic Party from the worldwide chauvinists, who believe in their superiority and that might makes right.
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, January 17, 2021
Illogical Thinking Leading to Illogical Actions Preventing the assault on America's capitol was not exclusively a policing failure; the twisted behavior culminated from inadequate response to Trump and his supporters' unsubstantiated attacks on the validity of the 2020 election.
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, December 6, 2020
Georgia Election Fraud Video Exposes Trump Team Deception Is Trump's never-ending attempt to change the election in his favor a genuine rally to defend U.S. democracy or is it a scam to enrich his personal bank account?
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Dems are Determined to Have Trump Re-Elected Democrat campaign behavior enables the possibility of a Trump victory.
(6 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, July 28, 2020
The One-State ─ Deposition Before Imposition The one-state cannot be achieved without changing Israel's legal and administrative structures, difficult tasks whose possibilities are remote. Deposing the characteristics of the Zionist mission that defines Israel is more plausible. Deposition precedes imposition; destroying the framework that supports Israel allows a new foundation for constructing a new state ─ a one-state, the natural state.
Donald Trump, From FlickrPhotos
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, May 16, 2020
Trump's Lesser Economy When a multitude of factors, rather than a few handpicked factors, are considered, during Trump's term in office, U.S. economic progress has been meager, and China's economic power might have eclipsed that of the United States.
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, April 27, 2020
Is This a Trump Epidemic in the United States? Although President Trump, in his daily press conferences, attempts to show that his administration is succeeding in containing the epidemic, the April 22, 2020 report from worldometers demonstrated the opposite; the United States had 1/3rd of the coronavirus cases and 1/4th of the coronavirus deaths worldwide. Could the response be more catastrophic?
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Democratic Socialism Will Soon Replace Capitalism Governments are needed that can assure safety and security of all worlds peoples, no matter their economic status, and no matter the hardships of the prevailing circumstances. Wealth will be immaterial, and escaping human extinction will be the motivation, requiring government action in many aspects of human existence. Capitalism will slowly evolve into a Democratic Socialist system that will be able to provide the structu
Die-In for Expanded Medical Insurance, San Francisco, From FlickrPhotos
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, March 27, 2020
America is Now Democratic Socialist As of March 2020, the United States is operating as a more than strict Democratic Socialist system, regulating aspects of American life. Disappointing that Democratic Socialists have failed to capitalize on this historical moment, which shows a desperate need for Democratic Socialism.
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Democratic Socialism Can Prevent the Catastrophe Capitalism has reached its peak. Change arrives from realization that Earth is on fire and only a united and collective community can dampen the conflagration.
Chinese army attacking in Korea, From InText
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Does Capitalisn Mean War Add economic warfare to the violent military actions that has decimated populations, and the question "Does Capitalism Mean War?" leans to a positive answer.
National Summit, From ImagesAttr
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, March 17, 2014
A National Summit: All About Israel Public discussion, which has diminished in recent years, on the Palestinian/Israeli crisis received a powerful impetus with The National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel Special Relationship, March 7 at the National Press Club, Washington, DC.
Palestinian Village, From ImagesAttr
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, December 5, 2013
The War of Narratives - Bringing truth to the Middle East crisis It seems strange that Jews embrace the dubious connection with wandering tribes and errant kings and reject the well-established memories of their most precious epochs and proud moments of history -- their centuries of sojourn in Mesopotamia and Persia.
Palestinian Plaque, From ImagesAttr
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, May 25, 2013
Deaths of the "no-state" Palestinians are Proportional to Life of the Two State Solution. If the Zionists realized their prominent role in causing the crisis, and made amends, then the course of history might dislodge the impediments to a just resolution. Because its continued mention drowns out discussion on other relevant resolutions, the two-state solution will not disappear until after the Palestinian community fades into history.
President Obama, From ImagesAttr
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Obama Faces Middle East Critics The dreams and pursuits that brought Barack Obama into office have tied his initiatives. He can only fulfill dreams and not promises.
Ayalon Amihay, From ImagesAttr
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, June 18, 2012
The Failure of Peace Without Partners Woodrow Wilson Center featured former Israeli Shin Bet leader, Amihai Ayalon, in a book presentation: Peace Without Partners: Can Israeli Unilateralism Lead to a Two-State Solution? Careful examination of the proposal reveals sub-text. No matter whether Ami Ayalon was cognizant or unaware, he framed a document of surrender for a Palestinian Authority to sign, and Israel dictates the surrender terms.

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