In Search of a Human-Centric Economy--The Case for a National Cooperative
Several years ago, as I began the research needed for writing my first book, I began to understand the negative effects of the concentration of ownership into the hands of a few. As they become further removed from us, our common good and that of our nation becomes nothing more than an expense to them. And so, as we have seen with the RUG (Republican Unified Government), they have gone after anything that would help the majority of Americans. In the business world, robotics is now replacing the workers from China or Mexico, used as a replacement for Americans. But what we most miss, is that the Decepticans as I call them, the 1%ers or as Bernie calls them, the Billionaires are doing their utmost to eliminate competition! "Market consolidation" affects everything from your cell-phone company to what we see on television or the internet! As the Decepticans work to eliminate competition, we need to build competition!
There are a series of dangers involved in "market consolidation", among which are: making us all renters in our own nation, leaving complete control of the economy in the hands of a few and their minions, and without economic democracy, there can be no real democracy. The strength of the Deceptican Shareholder economy is their ability to produce cheap commodities through brutalizing the workforce. In their economy people become cheap, replaceable and disposable. They come to see us as an expense, not as a fellow human being. In that alone, is a considerable danger. But what if you want to fund a business? At what point will that dry up too? Because that small group believes that anyone not of their group is not capable? How long?
In my books I have named the cooperative "The Foundations" because that is exactly what it is. The beginning of a human-centric economy. A national cooperative must be member-owned. Otherwise it will go the same way, being assumed by the Decepticans, as the rest of the economy has gone. It must also have a mission statement or as I called it the Foundations Codex, that must be agreed upon by all members. Or very quickly, it will fall apart into a hot mess. In human history, it has always been economics that has driven change. This time we drive change for good! Our world is leaving us behind! We need to build an anchor or our children will not recognize the world they grow old in. One of little value for human beings, one of being a second- or third-class citizen in their own country and one where corruption , illogic and violence rule. Now is the time to change that dynamic! We take back our value as human beings by taking back our ability to produce and build things! Now is the time of the Foundations and the beginnings of a human-centric world! We must compete!
RC Romine