Six-Foot Four Inches, an eighth of a ton, lump-jawed, glowering, menacing and with a hint of elfin twinkle in the eyes. Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson is on the job. Sticking it to the Republicans as no one else has been able or willing to do in recent memory. On the floor of the House last week using charts on an easel, Republican Style, accusing the Republican Health Care Reform Obstructionists of negligent homicide in the deaths of over 40,000 Americans per year who would be alive if only they had been covered by Health Insurance. He must have hit a very healthy nerve because oh how the little piggies did squeal! Rep. Tom Price of "Geowjiah proclaimed an apology was due the People's House for such a vicious and undeserved attack; likening it to his Republican Colleague's outburst at President Obama, for which HE apologized... Actually he didn't. Rep. Joe Wilson apologized over the phone in a private call to a White House Staffer, not to President Obama, and never apologized to his Congressional Colleagues for embarrassing them and the Body for his rude and unprecedented outburst in the midst of a live broadcast, prime time, during a Presidential Speech to a Joint Session of Congress. Rep. Grayson's comments were broadcast only by C-Span, around midnight, to, essentially no one, except EXTREME political junkies and insomniacs.
The Right-Wing Echo Chamber picked up the banner and ran with it labeling Grayson's presentation "unprecedented and "groundless . Interesting charges considering several Republicans had recently accused non-existent "Death Panels and "Medical Rationing within the Democratic Reform Plans would result in seniors and others being essentially sent to an early grave. Grayson also cited as the source of his statistics a recently released Harvard Study, not a Health Insurance Wholly-Owned Subsidiary (Lewan Group) organization. Appearing again on the House floor in response to the demand for an apology, Grayson promptly poked his finger into the OTHER Republican eye by apologizing, not to the House, but to the American People, for CONGRESS not doing more, sooner, to provide healthcare for all Americans, thereby allowing untold thousands of unnecessary deaths.
It is worth noting that Grayson, a first-term congressman from Orlando, Florida (somehow fittingly, home to Disney World) is a Harvard educated Attorney, a successful businessman and one of the wealthiest men in either Body of Congress; having acquired a net worth of over 31 Million Dollars WITHOUT the assistance of Congressional connections.
Having lived at death's door throughout his childhood, needing continuous medical care, Grayson has learned the difference between genuine concerns and unfounded fear. He attributes his survival to adulthood to the health insurance provided his family during those early years through his father's union membership at the workplace.
With a backstory like his, an impeccable set of credentials and total financial freedom from a need for special interest dollars, Grayson is looking more and more like the Republican's worst nightmare. Did I forget to mention, he also seems impervious to the disapproval of his peers?
The Cherry on Top is the fact that Grayson is chock full of charisma. A totally likable "Bull in the China Shop with a toothy grin and a ready wit. Light years distant from Senate Leader Reid, who propounds with all the enthusiasm of a man desperately fighting sleep; or House Mom Pelosi, whose diffident chirping is barely audible over the hum of camcorders.
Whether Grayson turns out to be a flash in the pan or a guiding light is a story yet to be told but either way, I'm glad I was around to witness one of the very first chapters.