Ramin Mazaheri is the
chief correspondent in Paris for Press TV and has lived in France since 2009.
He has been a daily newspaper reporter in the US, and has reported from Iran,
Cuba, Egypt, Tunisia, South Korea and elsewhere. He is the author of "I'll Ruin
Everything You Are: Ending Western Propaganda on Red China."
G7 fake news: Macron claims Iran-US deal to promote himself (2/2)
Iran is a threat because it is democratic, genuine and modern - these are all things the West has fought to prevent in the Muslim world for two centuries. However, this modern analysis is beyond the ability of the neoliberals in Brussels - they only see Iran as an untapped market they can despoil...that they are desperate to ensure that Iran does not gain a nuclear weapon - is so absurd that it cannot be believed, which gives more credibility to this anti-imperialist/anti-capitalist analysis.
Israel panics, attacks over Iran rapprochement
It is likely true that French President Emmanuel Macron informed Washington of the "surprise" visit of Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. This means that even if Paris didn't also inform their Israeli allies, Washington surely breathlessly relayed the information to their Zionist partners.
As soon as they got wind of Zarif's accepted and well-received arrival in Paris on August 23 Israel immediately went into murderous overdrive, in an effort to change the media's focus and to try and discredit Iran.
They bombed Syria on August 24, hysterically claiming to have thwarted an "imminent, as in real-time" large scale attack by Iran. That would have certainly left Zarif with a lot of explaining to do to at the G7 on August 25, were the accusations true, which they obviously were not.
But Israel will do and and say anything to discredit Iran; Israel, of course, is impossible to discredit in the Western media - their pro-Zionism bias is so total and pathetically servile that anything Tel Aviv claims is presented as credible, whereas Tehran is viewed with skepticism if they claim the night sky has clouds and stars.
Israel was not done, because they have to wage constant murder in order to maintain their colonial grip: Two drones crashed in Beirut on August 25, one of them armed and on a kamikaze mission. Tel Aviv is so worried by Iranian victory that they launched their first attack against Lebanon since 2006.
They then bombed Palestinians on August 26, furthering what Lebanon's president called a "declaration of war". It's a reminder that Israel's crimes against the Iranian people pale in comparison to their genocide against the Palestinians.
The murders show that Israel is ready to bomb and kill merely to change the media's agenda from even discussing the possibility of peace with Iran: across the Western TV media on August 26 "Iran Detente" was rightly the leading story with "Poor Israel Defends Itself" the fake-news follow-up.
Israel's leaders have an election coming up next month, and such attacks likely played a part in their decision-making as well, but Tel Aviv remains the most pathetic and the most Godless of the world's bullies, and their crimes unfairly discredit non-Zionist Jews and Judaism itself.
Give Macron some credit for trying, but what is really changing?
There is confusion about what is changing: The Iranian government's position has not and will not change - the West must accept the Iranian Islamic Revolution of 1979 and all its sovereign laws and mores. What the G7's events show is that Europe is being slowly and publicly weaned away from the US-Israeli position of total cold war on Iran.
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